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Messages - leyon

Pages: [1]
Linux / Re: Linux Repositories (Ubuntu)
« on: April 16, 2010, 03:39:53 am »
Well - the way I did it to get the 2.3 dev version, in order, was:

1-- Download subversion - you can do this via Synaptic / apt-get

2-- Copy paste the following line to download the source code (this is the game as it is written by the coders, not compiled into playable form yet). You can view it here:

Code: [Select]
svn co
3-- Copy paste the line below to get all the dependencies for the game. This is taken from this page.
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get install \
   libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libvorbis-dev zlib1g-dev gettext libtheora-dev \
   libjpeg62-dev libpng12-dev libncurses5-dev libcurl3-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev \
   libxml2-dev libopenal-dev

4-- Open a terminal to the directory where you downloaded the source, unpack and type ./configure. If you set things up right you should know. I got tripped up when some dependencies weren't installed (you need the dev package versions for everything)

5-- After that is done, type make. Wait for that to finish, then make lang.

6-- Download the pre-compiled maps via ./contrib/scripts/map-get/ instead of making it yourself, since it takes forever to do so. You need python for this. Get it here if you don't have it.

7-- Run ./ufo after all that is done, and enjoy!

I'm not sure if I missed out anything so if you see something that needs fixing just point it out, fellas :)

Linux / Re: Linux Repositories (Ubuntu)
« on: April 13, 2010, 01:38:16 am »
I managed to fix my problem thanks to the folks at IRC :D Apparently I was missing a particular dev version of one of my packages that the script to apt-get install missed for some reason.

Linux / Re: Linux Repositories (Ubuntu)
« on: April 12, 2010, 06:39:03 am »
That's the weird thing - I have the latest versions of all those packages. When I use that command it says everything is already installed but ./configure itself cannot find SDL_image, SDL_mixer and Mix_OpenAudio libraries.

Linux / Re: Linux Repositories (Ubuntu)
« on: April 12, 2010, 03:59:32 am »
Hi, just grabbed the 2.3 source off svn. I'm running Jaunty and there seems to be a problem running ./configure. I've got libsdl-image1.2-dev installed via Synaptic (where SDL_image resides, apparently) but the script is unable to locate it. It also cannot find the SDL_mixer libraries as well. Am I missing something here?

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