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Messages - Striker-SVK

Pages: [1]
Windows / Re: lame soldiers in v2.2.1
« on: March 26, 2010, 08:20:05 pm »
I already noticed some improvements in combat, but not in stats... ???

Windows / Re: lame soldiers in v2.2.1
« on: March 26, 2010, 05:48:54 pm »
I ... dont think so. Unless you're playing on easy - i didnt try it.
Yup, right...I didn't try a harder level yet....

Windows / Re: lame soldiers in v2.2.1
« on: March 26, 2010, 09:29:58 am »
I didn't notice the soldiers' stats increasing..thanx a more thing..does the max.HP value increase too?
EDIT : also, I don't like grenade launchers much because of the low range and the flamers for the same favourite weapons are laser,bolter and assault rifles..accurate at range and powerful..3-round burst from an assault rifle(if it hits) is guaranteed to kill an alien even if he wears medium alien armour...

Windows / Re: lame soldiers in v2.2.1
« on: March 25, 2010, 08:19:56 pm »
look at how they throw grenades
I didn't notice the grenades,but the shooting...first mission, there was a Taman, like not even 20m away from my soldiers, and guess what..NOT A SINGLE HIT (it was an MG, Short burst=6rounds)...already when I noticed the stats, I was thinking..."what the heck?so lame?oh my..." v2.1, my soldier with the worst acc of the whole team would hit and kill the alien....and the TUs because of stats...around 30, while in 2.1 i got 40+
I never played UFO:EU, so I can't comment what you said....but the question is: what should I do?With such lame soldiers, one can "kiss all that good-bye"as Ellen Ripley(Sigourney Weaver) said in Aliens , here "all that" meaning "defending the Earth"

Windows / lame soldiers in v2.2.1
« on: March 25, 2010, 07:15:10 pm »
Hello everyone.I searched around here for an answer to my problem, but I didn't find it, so I'll ask it here :why are the soldiers in v2.2.1 so lame?The stats are all so low-then the soldiers don't hit almost anything, get killed very easily, and so on.Is there a place where to set up my first base so the soldiers aren't lame or something like that?In v2.1 I found such a place, so does it exist in v2.2.1 too?If not, what should I do then?And also, PHALANX is a supra-elite unit,so why are the soldiers shooting like if they were blind?
TIA for any useful info.

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