« on: June 19, 2013, 08:37:20 am »
The 2.5 Dev regular pistol is my new favorite gun. I'll explain the situation that made me fall in love with this thing. Okay, so I'm on excavation, second mission of the campaign, but already familiar with this map from good ol' v2.2. My medic gets behind the pillar (the one piece of cover on the left exit from spawn). Next turn, Taman comes pretty close (one unit away from the opposite side of the pillar) with plenty of TU's for RF. So I take out flashbang, use it, then walk around the pillar. Take a shot with pistol. Hit. Take another one. Another hit. It takes 4 shots to kill the regular Taman, by which time I'm dying of laughter. The way that the soldier takes the longest time to aim that one point blank shot (considering the animation is longer than a sniper rifle shot, I have no idea why it costs only 4 TU per shot), puts down his gun, take the next snap shot, etc, without any hint of emotion or rushing just cracks me up. My thought process during this time reminds me of the Spectre monologue in SC2 ("This one has your name on it. *Bang* Okay.... this one has your name on it. *Bang*. Okay, I'm pretty sure that THIS one.... *Bang*. What the hell is your name anyway?")