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Messages - spoolboyy

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Aborting a Mission
« on: February 07, 2010, 10:54:51 pm »
Hey there,

I too would like to be able to 'retreat' from a mission, as you can in original XCOM.  I was playing UFOAI and got blindsided by aliens due to poor planning on my part.  When I got my remaining troops to the ship and aborted mission, I was dismayed to learn that that means they all die.  Please, consider adding this to the to do list for the next version!

That said, you guys have a great game here!  Other than resolution change issues, which I would imagine have something to do with user privileges on Win7 and Vista boxes, I have had no issues.  Once I visited the forums to figure out the resolution problems, I was on my way.  Having loads of fun with the game.


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