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Messages - Macatu

Pages: [1]
Windows / Re: Problem with my FPS
« on: February 04, 2010, 11:25:06 am »
ohhh......yeah.....soooo happy now....argh, i wonder what little things can human making so me now :D.

I dled newest driver and now i have in all screens 50-60 much thanks for helping me!

And what u say about newest in the morning i dled it, to try if i have same fps problems there, but when i want to install i get a error massage. So install was stoped. But now i can play 2.2.1! and thats making me so glad!

Windows / Re: Problem with my FPS
« on: February 04, 2010, 11:09:11 am »
you are very gentle, thx 4 that.
Now i download newest driver from nvidea website. I have geforceGT 8500. I will install this driver soon, when dl is finished and will try to play UFO AI, hope it is better than. I was so happy when i heard about this project, i am a big fan of terror from the deep. And ufo aftermath, which i have is not as good as yours imho.
thanks again for your good mannerd, its rare @ www :/

Windows / Re: Problem with my FPS
« on: February 04, 2010, 10:30:40 am »
im not kind of dumb -.-. Hmm can u specificate your question, so that i get an idea of what u mean^^

Windows / Problem with my FPS
« on: February 04, 2010, 09:29:41 am »
Hi, i downloaded the game yesterday and was very motivated to play it. And all seems to be fine, but now i have Problems with my FPS. In geoscape and base i have about 50-60 fps. But when i click to equip planes its about 30 fps, when i come to the screan where i have to equip my soliers ots about 6fps -.-. same in tactical missions, just 2-6 fps. I have a g-force 8500 512mb, its with 2.2.1 hope u can help me :(

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