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Messages - cerevox

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Reaction Fire in 2.3 Build 28632
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:39:33 pm »
It seems to me that there are two different kinds of RF. Aimed and non-aimed. Aimed is where the TUs are spent aiming the gun and only the very last TU involves any actual firing. On those it would make sense for the target to spend that many TUs in the line of sight of the reactor, since it takes that long for him to aim. A sniper isn't going to shoot unless the target is in the crosshairs.

On the other hand are the non-aimed shots. An machine gunner is not going to line his target up perfect, he will just get his gun pointed in the right direction and spray until the target dies. However, if an alien peaks around a corner for 3 TUs, he shouldn't get a full 25 TU burst to the face.

So, here is my proposal. for aimed shots, they need the full TU time to take the shot. For non-aimed like full auto and burst, its a partial shot. For every TU the alien spends in his line of sight, he gets to fire a TU on his gun. Alien spends 6 TU walking into the middle of the street, so the MG gets to fire 6 TU of his 25 TU burst at the alien. Alien steps to next square for 2 TU, and the MG fires his next 2 TU, so his 25 full auto is down to 17 TU left of shooting. You would have to be able to pause the burst mid-fire and to pause every step to let the MG fire, but this way the alien takes an amount of fire equal to what he actually does.

I reccomend that the human forces invest in javelins. Not the spear things, the missle launcher ones. the ones that you can lock on to an exact location, then the missle goes 10 feet foward out of the tube, and heads straight up. After getting like 10 stories up it goes over to the target and drops straight down on it. And its main purpose is an anti-tank weapon. 100% accuracy and 100% splatter everywhere rate.

seriously though, why is the last hope for humanity using handicap guns and getting the bottom rung troops? I expect to have marine-navyseal-ninja-commandos who eat pure macho 3 times a day and shit c4 and energy blasts.

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