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Messages - Tilarium

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Building first base
« on: May 19, 2012, 02:22:53 am »
Anyone know how to build my first base without having any buildings in it?  I want to design it myself and control the layout of it.  I thought that it was in one of the older versions, but just DLed 2.4 having not played in a very long while.  Can't find the option, if I'm imaging things and it wasn't in an older version, wow, surprised it was never in.  If I'm right and it was in one of the older versions, why was it it removed?  If it wasn't removed, why can't I find it?

Feature Requests / Starting game suggestion
« on: December 11, 2009, 03:53:36 am »
Suggestion for when you're starting the game.  Let there be no shadow when trying to place your first base, I want to place it in the Hawaiian Islands but I can't see them!  There so small that with the shadow you can't see them, you can't even advance the time to beable to get them in the sun.......

Also suggest being able to place the entrance if you place your first base with no buildings built.  Having to keep re-starting just to get the entrance where I want it, no fun there.

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