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Messages - NudeRaider

Pages: [1]
Windows / Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« on: December 07, 2009, 04:51:55 am »
Sorry if this is the wrong section, I'm new here. But a veteran UFO fan. ;)

I didn't have time to test this one, but if it works, have fun with it:

Edit: Please note that this installer is larger in size than previous ones, with new content added and such.  I don't know if this one would fit on a CD or not.  Also, all the maps were fully re-built.
I previously had v2.2.1 installed but from what I read v2.3 is pretty good, so I uninstalled v2.2 and downloaded and installed r27240.
The problem is I can't start a campaign. Whenever I choose new campaign I get to the geoscape which seems to be trunkated at the left and right edge (can't see the american continent) and some also truncated green text appears. After a few seconds I get an assertion failure* and whatever I do the game closes.
I haven't changed any of the options at first, but changing them doesn't seem to do anything.

* Assertion failed!
Program: E:\Program Files (x86)\UFOAI-2.3-dev\ufo.exe
File: D:\UFOai\src\client\renderer\r_state.c
Line: 58

Expression: texnum > 0


I can play Multiplayer and Skirmishes just fine. However [e] immediately closes the game when there's no opponent. Is this intentionally?

So since the renderer seems to be the problem, some specs about my machine:
Windows XP Professional x64
AMD Athlon X2 4800+
GeForce 9600GT

Any help on how to fix this issue or a hint on the latest version with a working campaign mode would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. From what I can see in the battlescape and options menu you guys have done very good work, so keep it up!  8)

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