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Messages - Wolpertinger

Pages: [1]
Discussion / No destructable walls?
« on: November 30, 2009, 01:45:17 am »
So far, I've really enjoyed the game - it has a lot of potential and has fixed a lot of little irritations that x-com was prone to. I do have one major  thing that's bothered me, though. As far as I can tell, in the current stable version there's no destructable walls or terrain at all - is this going to stick around, or is it one of those 'to be implemented later' things? Blowing up walls and objects to deprive the aliens of cover was one of my most essential tactics, and without it I'm finding myself getting killed by aliens hiding behind a shelf in a supermarket or behind a flimsy balcony. Being able to destroy objects seemed to be one of the major, essential strengths of high explosive weaponry, to compensate for the difficult aiming and chance for friendly fire.. without it, I'm seriously tempted to remove most of my HE and just use grenades.

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