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Messages - strophi

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: How to shoot an ufo
« on: November 18, 2009, 07:02:56 pm »

first, thanks for your replies.

I will try armor my interceptors the 'right' way to shoot an scout-ufo, and avoid all other ufo types,until research gives me ooprtunities to down the stronger ufos, and concentrate on terror attacks.

thank you very much...


Discussion / How to shoot an ufo
« on: November 18, 2009, 05:55:17 pm »

I've just installed UFO:AI and it's very impressing.

I played the original games, and this open source game ist great.

Now to my problem(please don't flame me, I found no answer):

In the old games the first ufos where very weak, and my interceptors shot them, but how to shoot an UFO in UFO:AI. My Interceptors can't reach the ufo, and if, they are atomized.

How can I shot an ufo?

I'm new to this game, I love it, if this question is answered anywhere else, please give a link or shower me with light.

thanx in advance


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