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Messages - Garavani

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: 2.5 sucks completely
« on: May 11, 2013, 07:12:45 pm »
Hey guys just dropping my two cents though it's just an echo of what has been said by many others.  I really enjoyed 2.4 and turned a lot of my friends onto the game.

I understand the devs have been playing the game a lot more than me and require a greater challenge to have fun, and since no one is paying you that is your right, it's your game. 

In my opinion 2.5dev is too hard for the casual player, and even for someone who is fairly apt at tactical games if feels like you have to lean on what I consider cheesy tactics (smoke grenades) in order to win with acceptable loses.  This will turn off the vast majority of your players though.

Just my thoughts, please don't reply with "It's fine just learn some tactics".  If the game frustrates me when 2.5 release launches I just won't play.

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