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Messages - Maciej Piechotka

Pages: [1]
Design / XVI and aliens
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:34:23 pm »
I started to think - are aliens ill on XVI or is it product of their research (o both)?
It the first which race was first ill? Does it spread through th conqueer? Could they be cured? If yes may be it is solution to problem of invasion (end of game)?

Design / Re: Defending downed DROPSHIPs?
« on: September 24, 2009, 02:33:16 am »
This is a plausible idea, considering that the aliens want to infect us with XVI.

Plus, i am sure aliens are trying to maximize the potential of capturing earth faster, and like Sun Tze's Manual of War Tactics, knowing the enemies is the best way to winning a battle. :D

But Sun Tzu also wrote that the best way of winning was is to avoid many battles and causulties...

Tactics / Re: Tactics in 2.3
« on: September 24, 2009, 12:42:01 am »
Ok. So it is before-the-balancing issue. I was afraid that I'm missing some part of tactics.

Thanks for responding and great game.

Coding / Re: configure and other autogenerated files in svn
« on: September 23, 2009, 09:56:42 pm »
configure is in because not everybody has autoconf or automake installed - which other files are you talking about?

Well. I meant mainly autotools ( etc.). I guess that not everybody is checking sources from SVN - and people who do should know of autotools or at least README files ;) -  -dev packets or similar are needed anyway (unless someone is using Gentoo in which case (s)he have autotools anyway).

It just strike me as it is the first project which do so - and it is probably poluting bandwith, makes problems with merge etc.

But it is your project of course.

Coding / configure and other autogenerated files in svn
« on: September 23, 2009, 09:36:06 pm »
I noticed that the configure and other autogenerated files are present in svn. What is the reason for them - as usually they are consider unneeded (especially that they may change a lot with just rebuilding it and generally are redundant) instead of or something similar?

PS. I'm not speaking about release tarballs.

Tactics / Tactics in 2.3
« on: September 23, 2009, 09:27:12 pm »
I played the 2.2 version on very easy settings and I had usually no problem with saving my solders. In 2.3 at every time I move any solder aliens are allowed to shoot. In fact it is not possible to not get killed a solder at the first turn?

Is it intentional or are they my bad movements? How to prevent it?

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