More 3-D Usage: I think this is eye-candy and consequently it's not necessary at the stage of the game right now. Of course your suggested visualisations would be great but most probably there is a lot of stuff to do that is far more urgent.
Decorations: I like the basic idea but I don't like the requirements you listed. UFO AI is not Unreal Tournament where you can get your "Awesom Masterkill", etc. Your medals seem to be imitating this concept. Since UFO AI tries to work with quite
realistic military units, I think decorations should be awarded if
realistic prerequisites are met.
Getting the "Frag-O-Maniac-Multikill"-medal doesn't fit into the game's logic, I find.
Since I like the idea of decorations, I would suggest using medals something like this:
> Medal for 1st serious injury (like today's Purple Heart) => condition: awarded for 1st injury < 10% of hitpoints remaining
> Medal for courage / bravery (bronze, silver, gold): => condition 1: minimum of 20 successful missions + condition 2: average kill-ratio of 0,5-0,75 aliens per mission (= Bronze), 0,75-1 kills / mission (= silver), > 1 kill / mission (= gold).
> Medals for Outstanding Service (e.g. bronze, silver, gold): After a soldier took part in many missions, like 30, 50, 100....
Even though these conditions aren't realistic, they are much closer to it than your suggestions, I think.