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Messages - firebird76

Pages: [1]
Tactics / Re: studing ufo parts
« on: September 28, 2009, 02:52:07 pm »
oh well i dont know this kind of procedures so i tough it would eventually have a stable  final release but if its a very nice game so far, if the developers continue it wold be even better game...

Tactics / Re: studing ufo parts
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:35:26 am »
well ill save u the trouble greever, i captured a live alien and i can now research astro navigation, and particle cannon so less work for u...
Btw thanks for the helpful and fast help on forum i appreciate it and keep up improving the game that is very good already, cant wait for final release :)

Tactics / Re: studing ufo parts
« on: September 28, 2009, 08:52:33 am »
well just so that sheevagreen is not mistaken here is another question ;)
i got all the stuff i said in my second base the workers the labs and the equipment and materials i got from harvesters plus astro navigation, engines and particle beam what i dont got yet is live aliens in my main base, starting to work on this now is that why i cant research a lot of stuff i got atm no??

I would like to say this game is very well made and i know its in development stage but i must say its a promessing game and a true successor to ufo 1 and i hope to see it all up and running in the finished stage because it will be a very welcome game :)

Keep up the good work :)

Tactics / Re: studing ufo parts
« on: September 26, 2009, 01:18:50 pm »
i got my second base with ufo hagers 2 larges and 1 small and laboratory and workshops with people in it andi got a astronavigation and  alien propolsion. My question how do i do now to research it i try to deassemble it and noting shows up and in reaserch is graed saying i dont got all the stuff i need. do i need to have a squad with a firebird to go get the ufo to the crash site and bring it to my second base???

Tactics / Re: studing ufo parts
« on: September 26, 2009, 09:18:49 am »
but in my main base doesnt have a ufo hanger only my second base it has 2 ufo large hangers and 1 small can i transfer item between them or will i miss someting, and wont be able to resarch or deassemble??

Tactics / Re: studing ufo parts
« on: September 25, 2009, 07:35:19 pm »
and the ufo hangers need to be in same base of transport or can be in diferent bases and u tranfer there the stuff ??

Tactics / studing ufo parts
« on: September 25, 2009, 01:48:14 pm »
hi i was wandering to study ufo parts like astro navegation and particle cannon u need a ufo hangar or what is the ufo hanger used for???

Tactics / intercepting Ufos ( Harvesters)
« on: September 22, 2009, 07:07:44 pm »
Im having trouble intercepting harvesters, i read by a comment of a previous topic on a thing i asked about the same subject, but at the time i was using stilletos to intercept a harvester 1 only ...
Now i tried 3 sarracens armed with sparrows and t 20 pods and the 3rd with a cannon and of the 3 only 2 returned, 1 was shot down. All of them have ecms and 2 have targeting computers the 3r doesn't have because none were available to buy at the time.
So i ask to shot down a harvester with interceptors what do i need more or what configurations of thing i need to be able to shot down a harvester without any losses???

Tactics / Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« on: September 20, 2009, 04:21:06 pm »
well i started the game now but im a vet in this kind of games and i use:
long range maps or medium
1 heavy machine-gun
4 sniper
rest assault rifles
all have med kits and granades and i got a smg in backpack for all for close quarters enconters as smg does a lot of dmg in 5 shot mode

In close quarters maps
so far i i use
1 flametrower with smg on backpack
rest smg

so far i got no guys killed and ony some injured sometimes

But im in first mont and i dint even shhot down a ufo but in that case im considering well the long range configuration and if i see its a close quartes map or im going to enter the ufo is smg and flamer...

what do u guys think???

Tactics / Re: Newbie questions
« on: September 20, 2009, 04:09:43 pm »
oh ok. well the first ufo i see so far and im on first month is only harvesters and i tought they were a little bigger than scouts not a big big ufo, so stilettos can shoot down which ufos?? so that i decide if they are worth using or if i should stick only to Saracens till new things are discovered???

Tactics / Re: Newbie questions
« on: September 20, 2009, 03:31:47 pm »
Well i tried to fight a ufo harvester with 2 stilettos and they were both shot down and the ufo survived, then i lunched a Saracen and it went down and i saw the combat from close range in the map and the misses are amazing i got missiles that were shot to the right and left of my aircraft and the ufo was in front of my figher, that seem a bit ridiculous...
As far as production i tried also on my test situation to produce clips of ammunition first and i saw a difference, as they were produced, i guess producing targeting computers is a bit ridiculous but it shouldn't be i think if it was a large craft ok but a component should take less time...

As far as not playing the original series i think u should definitely get the original series especially the first ufo that is a real master piece of a game and was years advanced in concept to the time it was released, i must say i played every ufo game arround, im a very addicted fan and the game that i found better is the first and this is very good also, most came with better graphics and more stuff but i still prefer this 2 to the rest that were lunched, but one recent ufo afterlight i think that is in 3d in in mars is very good also, the rest u could do well without them...

Tactics / Re: Newbie questions
« on: September 20, 2009, 12:30:21 pm »
well i started on very easy to have 25 soldier to chose from to be better equipped for tactical combat and i have only a stilleto the helicopter with 2 sparrows and a cannon and every time  i lunch it, it goes down better have 2 of the Saracens no??
As for production i have one workshop or 2 i don't know i have what i got from start and it says i got 10 of 10 workers ready but a month goes by and they dont produce nothing i got them producing 2 targeting computers and ammo for my squad.
As for versions is it best that i start using 2.3 im using 2.21 and if 2.3 is stable i would like to try it.
as for research i thing its clear what u said and its fine that u didn't give the spoilers eheh i like to discover thing as game is very good remember the old but memorable ufo :)

Tactics / Newbie questions
« on: September 20, 2009, 11:06:33 am »
hi i started playing the game and i would like to know 2 things
1: how the hell can i destroy a harvester class ufo if my stilleto is shot down every time need to buy the 2nd type of aircraft for them ???
2: how can i produce items ?? i put items to produce in start of month and im now in the2nd month and it doesn't produce nothing im producing several thing like targeting computers and ammunition??
one more thing where do i see the funding im getting from the nations, and How do i capture live aliens

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