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Messages - bfett14

Pages: [1]
Coding / Re: Success: VS2008
« on: October 06, 2009, 02:42:03 am »
One of the real-time checks would fill all local variables with 0xCCCCCCC.
R_DrawSurface has 256x256 array which would be re-filled on every one of
great many calls. Moment I turn off the check, the thing starts flying
even in debug mode.    ;D

Coding / Re: Success: VS2008
« on: October 01, 2009, 11:08:02 pm »
Yes. That's the idea. I've been out of touch with C/C++ for number of years now.
MS profiler turned out to be good. Found reason for very low combat frame rate.
Hint: runtime checks are costly.  ;D

Coding / Re: Success: VS2008
« on: September 29, 2009, 12:28:43 am »
Now it completely compiles and runs. I had to re-build all but few
supporting libs. All dependencies on MinGW libs are gone.
Will share code and package as soon as find a suitable
place. Advice is welcome. Must mention it: it's not DEV code, it's
v2.2.1 production 8-)

Coding / [q] about stable v2.2.1: research code
« on: September 23, 2009, 04:01:54 am »
Found this piece in cl_research.c. It looks to me it never goes beyond first if().
Anybody can hint what was original intent here?

void RS_CheckAllCollected (void)
   int i;
   technology_t *tech = NULL;
   requirements_t *required = NULL;

   if (!required)

   if (!baseCurrent)

Coding / Re: Success: VS2008
« on: September 20, 2009, 11:28:56 pm »
Never mind. Installing latest video driver mostly cured the problem.

Coding / Re: Success: VS2008
« on: September 18, 2009, 12:43:50 am »
Well, the whole thing compiles and runs. But, I get only 10fps in geoscape and
even less in mission. Not playable. The official build on the same machine
runs fine. The weird thing is that, occasionally, I do see 50fps. That's debug
build. Manual timing says drawing menus seems to take most of the time.
Trying to re-build SDL. My guess is that something is wrong with thread locking
in SDL. Any ideas are welcome.

Coding / Re: Success: VS2008
« on: September 14, 2009, 02:58:24 am »
The latest pain in the butt was libintl. Existing dll does not work well with
latest MSVCRT libs and it took substantial efforts to compile the source.
Nevertheless, the game is loading and seems to work for the most part.
Needless to say the code is now mess  ;D
But hey, it's for fun, right? As for VC6, yes it was a solid product, but again
10 years have passed. Perhaps it's time move on.

Coding / Success: VS2008
« on: September 09, 2009, 05:28:40 am »
Just wanted to share excitement. Managed to compile in VS2008, the whole thing and it even
starts and sort of works. Can't go to ground mission though. Most buttons are off. No save/restore.
There were few challenges compiling code.
1. Some headers must be edited to remove unsupported things line _inline and _attribute_
2. Following libraries needed to be downloaded as source and re-compiled: SDL(3 target projects
    plus bunch of support code), Zlib and jpeg lib, painful to say the least.
3. Couple Mingw libs still needed because M$ did not have few functions.

First thing I wanna do (after it works a bit better) is to print current real time on screen somewhere 8-)

Windows / Re: Compilation Error: junk at end of line
« on: July 29, 2009, 05:20:34 am »
Great success. Hello world compiles and the game too!  ;D
Thanks a lot. For my education, what's changed in the C:B ?
I noticed assembler is a bit newer.

Windows / Re: Compilation Error: junk at end of line
« on: July 28, 2009, 05:17:56 am »
I'm new to this forum. Got exactly the same error. Tracked it down to C++ compiler generating .lcomm directive
which assembler does not understand (extra alignment parameter). Even the "Hello world" C++
project would not compile, not to mention the game. Downloaded package from C::B web site,
same effect. I'm afraid previous discussion does not address the issue in subj and got a bit
off track. How do I tell the compiler that assembler (from the same package!) needs different code?
The GNU compiler has mind boggling number of options. None of them seems to change the .lcomm thing.


Pages: [1]