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Messages - MoToM

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Thank you all, made my year
« on: August 13, 2009, 05:45:53 pm »
Fear not, by 'close' I just mean it has the same appeal, I certainly don't think you should religeously stick too the original.
I was just pleased to see that some of the same 'feel' was present.

As for M&B, I'm a long time addict, 0.751 when I first got it. And Expanded Gameplay is easily one of the greatest mods, EGII was epic and EGIII looks to be heading the same way. I love the fact that characters can be so short lived.

I'm the same name over there as here.

Discussion / Thank you all, made my year
« on: July 25, 2009, 12:43:50 am »
Hello all,
and as the title says, Thank you.
I'm an UFO: EU addict of old and was slowly slippong into a deep depression as that wonderful game became more and more dated and nearly unusable (at least for a tech-whore like myself),
that is until one very kindly person over at Taleworlds pointed me this way.

I just want to say that I think you guys have done a fantastic job on this, really captures the feel of the original and looks great to boot.
I look forward to following your progress from now on.
Again, thank you for reviving one of the greatest game ideas and keeping it close to the genesis, excellent job.


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