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Messages - doomtrader

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Re: Worlds of Magic - A new classic 4X fantasy game
« on: October 19, 2013, 07:09:13 pm »
Hey, sorry for another post made by me, but there is not much to be talked about now.

However if you would like to get some gameplay into your hands, there is a techdemo released.
You can download it here:

Also take a look at this video, it shows how much progress we have made during last six months:

finally, please share the info about the game and vote for us at greenlight:

Offtopic / Re: Worlds of Magic - A new classic 4X fantasy game
« on: September 09, 2013, 10:50:59 pm »
A lot of things has been improved since the last entry.

Please take a look at the new video, presenting the overall look of the game:

If you could give us a hand and vote for the game at Greenlight, that would be great!

Thanks in advance

Offtopic / Re: Worlds of Magic - A new classic 4X fantasy game
« on: May 02, 2013, 02:14:10 am »
Hello All!

You can still help us by backing our game
Come and see what we are doing there and if you like it, just back us and spread the word

Offtopic / Re: Worlds of Magic - A new classic 4X fantasy game
« on: May 01, 2013, 09:53:48 am »
Hello All.

We have broke the 40k stretch goal tonight, and with 29 hours left we can try to hit the 45k, which is additional race and Linux and Mac version available at the release date.

Thanks for your support, spreading the word and for backing us.
You can still give us a hand, and help making this game greater.

Offtopic / Worlds of Magic - A new classic 4X fantasy game
« on: April 15, 2013, 08:18:47 am »

I’m a member of Wastelands Interactive team, an independent game developer. We are a team of dedicated people with experience in creating strategy wargames. We are currently working on our new game called Worlds of Magic which we would like to become a true spiritual successor to Master of Magic.

The main features of the game are:
Master of Magic Spiritual Successor: After waiting more than a decade for a true Master of Magic successor, we decided to create one.
D20 System: Units, Spells, and Heroes will all draw from the D20 OGL rule set during tactical battles.
Deep 4X Playability: Explore, exploit, expand and exterminate in a world of magic, diplomacy, and war.
Hero Units: Recruit powerful, artifact wielding heroes to lead your forces into battle.
Twelve Spell Circles: Focus on depth in a single school, or gain the ability to cast incredibly diverse spells.
Unique Races: Each race offers the ability to create exclusive units, with their own strengths and weaknesses. The factions also play differently allowing players to choose a faction based on their play style.
Settle Powerful Cities: Construct buildings, raise crops, and control production in order to create and support powerful armies.
Multiple Victory Conditions: War is not the only way to conquer the world; make treaties, establish trade routes or use peace as a tool for domination.
Procedurally Generated Universe: Each game can be different. The entire universe is created procedurally using a seed that can be random or specified by the player.
Multiple Planes of Existence: Explore and conquer seven different planes of existence ranging from the Prime Material Plane, which is much like Earth, to the elemental planes that course with pure elemental energies. Find new creatures and new lands for expansion in these unexplored realms.

Recently we have launched a Kickstarter campaign, which we are planning to help us speed up the development process of the game.
If the above sounds interesting for you, and you would like to get some more info what we are doing please visit our KS page:
We are hoping you will let your friends know about the project and back us to make this game.

You can also take a look at short gameplay video here:

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