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Messages - Snaphaan

Pages: [1]

Thanks MCR.

Yes, from the ATI 4xxx and the current 5xxx series all support OpenGL 3.0. It seems there used to be a problem with the older ATI cards.

I did not have all my facts with my earlier post.  I am no coder so maybe I don't fully understand the difficulties involved with making the game's OpenGL 3.0 engine compatible with cureent ATI cards.

At least with GLSL shaders off I can play the game without too much hassle.


Thanks Kobold!

Yes. Multisample buffering works now. No crashes. I just had to restart the game.

Still... the OpenGL problem has now taken a new turn:
I posted this OpenGL problem at Tom's hardware (at the ATI section). They believe the problem is NOT OpenGL or my card but in fact something in the code that is not compliant with some ATI cards. I have run some older OpenGL games like Doom3 and all of them runs smooth.  ???

I think this is more of a glitch in the engine coding than a hardware compatibility issue - like ATI cards running OpenGL.

Hope someone will look into this.  ;D

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Engine Slow and Crash with multisampling
« on: July 15, 2010, 09:02:48 am »
I have posted this at the windows issue section but was informed by Mattn to move it here:

The game lags terribly on my system. I get about 5 fps on the city maps and when I zoom in I get about 20fps. Most maps between 10-25fps.

 I have a...

Pentium Core Duo 2.9
HD4890 Sapphire
Windows 7
latest drivers reinstalled after a total drive cleanup

Also, when I enable multisample buffering the game crashes when I enter the tactical screen. It seems when I disable GLSL shaders the game runs smoothly. I am told this is a ATI and OpenGL problem. ATI cards don't like OpenGL that much...

Windows / Re: Game lag - engine or windows 7?
« on: July 14, 2010, 01:59:46 pm »

I just googled a bit about opengl and my HD4890...

I'm never buying a Radeon card again in my life.  >:( I've had so much hassle with the Catalyst and now it seems ATI has HORRIBLE support for opengl. There has been a number of complaints from 2007 up untill now and so-far nothing. It's like they don't care.

Anyway. Mr Life appreciates your help!

Windows / Game lag - engine or windows 7?
« on: July 13, 2010, 02:04:21 pm »

I posted this yesterday, moved it and somehow it got lost. Anyway, my problem in a nutshell:

The game lags terribly on my system. I get about 5 fps on the city maps and when I zoom in I get about 20fps. Most maps between 10-25fps.

 I have a...

Pentium Core Duo 2.9
HD4890 Sapphire
Windows 7
latest drivers reinstalled after a total drive cleanup

Could it be windows 7, directx10? Or something else. Is it a bug?  ???

Also, when I enable multisample buffering the game crashes when I enter the tactical screen (it seems this is already covered in the bug tracking section, but just wondering).


And by the way, as I mentioned yesterday. TERRIFIC WORK!!! You people don't seem to have a life.  ;D I've been tracking the game's progress since last year and EVERY month had a mass of changes and enhancements.

Coding / Help: Tactical Save
« on: May 14, 2009, 12:02:05 pm »
Yes, yes, I know there is some rule about this and I was warned not to ask or push it,  but I just need to know something...

I am no coder. Is there ANY way or place I can implement this for MYSELF. Maybe a frustrated coding genius has done it for his own game but not made the changes available? It would be nice to have the option ;)


Feature Requests / Re: Small suggetsions
« on: May 14, 2009, 11:56:15 am »
I'd propably have to code or something... then I can't do it. If that is the case then it's a pity, a REAL pity. Where CAN I ask without getting Bull Rushed? Someone, somewhere has to have felt the same? Mmmm, I'll google and see what comes up....nothing. I don't believe it!!?

Thanks for the cursor tip - I forget that the game is open source! :)

... and the the key config!

Feature Requests / Small suggetsions
« on: May 14, 2009, 09:11:05 am »

I have just recently downloaded the game and find it (even in it's unfinished state) terrific! There are only a few little annoying things that I hope has been, will be, or could be fixed:

1) I know the tactical map saves are not part of the so called "scary feel" of the game but personally I think it has nothing to do with creating atmosphere rather than frustration. Let me explain it this way. I get the same feeling I get when I play fixed save point games (usually consoles) like Prince of Persia. First I get annoyed  then bored and then I move on and play something else. It's not keeping me on the edge of my seat, its taking the 'fun' factor away   :(

Is their a way to activate it? Maybe someone has made a mod for implementing it?

2) That fixed cursor (the little target marker or starry thing), can I change it to something a bit more... pointy? It feels like I'm suppose to shoot everything. A normal kind of windows arrow or something generic would be nice :)

3) (Edit) Oh yes, and another thing. I have to switch my hand between my mouse and keyboard quite a few times. The tactical view roll and tilt should be fixed to the middle-mouse button... if it is possible. In that way I can use my left hand for shortcuts and my right hand to change views (middle-wheel scroll for level changes) and plot courses for my units!

Well, those are my only complaints... nothing major.

I have quite a bit of 3D and 2D artistic experience so I will scan the To-do lists and see where I can give a hand  ;).

Thanks for reading!

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