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Messages - Beaver

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Aircraft equipment
« on: March 10, 2009, 10:44:38 pm »
I think, I find the problem...

in my translation (russian) the name of the transport is too long and take double place(two lines), but program dont treat this.

Feature Requests / Re: Aircraft equipment
« on: March 10, 2009, 10:34:24 pm »
I think order of crafts in list have a value... When I sold them (all ships) and by in other order (stiletto at first and then a transport) problem disappeared

packages installed from

more specific... Ok. when I enter aircraft equipment, the first ship(transport) is activ and all loocks dood, but when I try to chose the second ship(stiletto) and click on it's name. Name changed color(like when it active), but image of ship and property tabs didn't change.

P.S. sorry for my bad english

Feature Requests / Aircraft equipment
« on: March 10, 2009, 10:05:22 pm »
After last update appeared a problem. I can't equip stiletto. When I click on it's name (in screen at left) nothin changes...

I use Debian Lenny stable, may be smth wrong with packages?

interesting, that I have no such problems on the second base, where I have two Stiletto and can do everething with each of them

Pages: [1]