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Messages - xracer

Pages: [1]
Translating / Re: Searching translators
« on: August 26, 2009, 09:01:33 pm »

I have a small issue.

Looking into the translation of the file with Poedit the system seems to limit the text to line 15000 i however looking at the doc with a different editor see that document goes up to line 17424.

I mean is no big issue i can still do the translation.

Another small issue and maybe is not an issue at all is that every time i save the doc poedit tell me there are  errors

21:27:47: ...\Desktop\ufoai-es.po:17386: end-of-line within string
21:27:47: ...\Desktop\ufoai-es.po:17386:5: syntax error
21:27:47: ...\Desktop\ufoai-es.po:17387: end-of-line within string

maybe someone can give me an insight. I have checked the lines and i see nothing wrong with it.


Maybe somewhere in the thread this got lost but in any case, those are the errors i receive they are not detrimental and i just simply put them aside now since it just seems to be simple syntax missing.

About my specs
1. I use Vista (Home) which i hate but anyway that is another issue.
2. POedit 1.4.2
3. the error is listed above and it happens during save. (And no i was not too lazy to type it, as you can see from above ;) )
4. It is very consistent and always occurs during save. By the way i am working with the Spanish translation (es)

About another system well... my other laptop got a virus and I have not had time too look at it I have XP on it, and my desktop mobo fried during a thunderstorms (XP 64) and i have not had any time to fix it.

damn, why do you not tell what exactly erroe messages was? I use POEditor with W7 and have not any problems.
if you were referring to my I think my previous post where I listed the errors should suffice.

« on: August 20, 2009, 11:52:43 am »
Hey guys, sorry i have not been on lately but my father-in-law just passed away and it has been complicated. Currently i have very little time to reply to the comments made. I will try to read everything carefully over the weekend.

In any case I will surely like a come "communal" approach to the translation it will make things easier for everyone, and the wiki well done will be perfect.

Take care,


« on: August 08, 2009, 04:07:57 am »
HEy i have uploaded a text file maybe someone can go over it and see if this changes are ok

« on: August 07, 2009, 04:39:18 am »
Be careful when working with the po file directly. There are lots of contents there that should be edited in the wiki, and not in the po file directly. There is a tool that integrates the wiki content into the po file. We would not want your work to be overwritten when the wiki content is integrated later.


Hey what is the tool i would like to have it such that it would be easier and no chance of having the work deleted. I do intend to do as much as work as possible.

Thank you

« on: August 05, 2009, 04:17:44 am »

I have done a rather extensive modifications although in the smaller strings. If you want we can see what has been done. i have mainly modifying the es version currently poedit list 48% translation completed if you like we can try and coordinate i can probably use a file compare doc to see the difference between the 2 files and then just combine them. I think that will be a faster way rather than me telling you what I've or vice versa.

If you want you can contact me at jxracer007 at yahoo dot com or via IM on the same mail.

« on: August 04, 2009, 03:57:38 am »

  • Equipment/Armour (Equipamiento/Armadura)

I think this should be

For Personnel
  • Equipment/Armour (Equipo/Armadura)

For crafts
  • Equipment/Armour (Armamento/Blindaje)
While discussing the spanish translation, I would like to bring the issue of the es vs es_ES translations up for discussion. Being quite aware of the different modes of speech in different spanish speaking countries, I understand it is tempting to have country specific translations that account for those differences, but I also think that would eventually lead to a lot of duplicate effort. My persdonal opinion is that this effort would be better spent in reconciling our natural differences into a unified "international" spanish translation. that being my opinion, it would be good to have other opinions on the matter.

I do agree with this, to able to capture every colloquialism possible to please everyone would be overwhelming.  I guess what we should try and do, is when an article is up for debate look into the best possible translation and use it. Although i think our localities have several differences i do think we can agree on a basic commonly know and accepted Spanish.

I have made quite several modifications and additions to the regular Spanish translation, I am attempting to be as unbiased as possible and to double check my work i am using the RAE dictionary.

Please do let me know if that is acceptable.


For example :

A shelter that was built to house people in times of major disasters. Some internal blast doors may have been closed.

My approach

Un refugio en caso de desatres. Algunas puertas internas pueden haber sido cerradas

This is not a literal translation as i believe some of the language is fluff language and somewhat implicit.  Please do let me know if this is acceptable as i believe a literal translation would just be redundant.

« on: August 03, 2009, 05:03:15 pm »
oh one more thing,

since someone "barrymoabdib" kindly enough pointed out the use of the word "Alienígena" i have gone ahead and replace (wherein i though necessary) the word "extraterrestre" to "Alienígena" or "Alienígeno" is that ok or am I overextending my boundries?

« on: August 03, 2009, 04:13:54 pm »
Well I am originally from Ecuador,

However, i have lived in the U.S. for the last 20 years, and although my Spanish is not as polished as i would like it to be I believe that is in a good state.   

Now getting back to the translation, and this is a personal view i guess we should make the messaging a bit more... "polite" . for example when people translate from "your" sometimes is translated as "tu" sometimes as "su", i want to make sure which form should we use, my preference would be "su".   

Translating / Re: Searching translators
« on: August 02, 2009, 03:29:50 am »

I have a small issue.

Looking into the translation of the file with Poedit the system seems to limit the text to line 15000 i however looking at the doc with a different editor see that document goes up to line 17424.

I mean is no big issue i can still do the translation.

Another small issue and maybe is not an issue at all is that every time i save the doc poedit tell me there are  errors

21:27:47: ...\Desktop\ufoai-es.po:17386: end-of-line within string
21:27:47: ...\Desktop\ufoai-es.po:17386:5: syntax error
21:27:47: ...\Desktop\ufoai-es.po:17387: end-of-line within string

maybe someone can give me an insight. I have checked the lines and i see nothing wrong with it.

« on: July 31, 2009, 03:54:59 pm »
well, you know what they say you learn something new everyday, I had seen it used in several parts but always assumed it was a colloquialism.  And i actually search in the RAE for the word and gave me no results.

Well in any case, Also i wanted to ask, why there are 2 Spanish translations. from a quick overview i didn't see differences. maybe i should read more carefully. Also i assume that the _ES is the more traditional Spanish.

If any one could give me an insight i will appreciate it greatly.

Thank you

Translating / Re: Searching translators
« on: July 30, 2009, 07:29:09 pm »

Must we use Poedit in order to do translations? or can we simply modify the .txt file with the required strings?

By the way i am going to do the Spanish translations and see if I can get all 100% of it done with in the next month.

« on: July 30, 2009, 07:20:58 pm »
Hello everyone,

First let me apologize I promised to do this a while back.

OK, back to the issue at hand, I have started an attempt to translate to Spanish, however i see a few inconsistencies in the translation. I wanted to know if there is a guideline for the translation and if there is anyone else working on it, I do not want to do double work.

Currently i have done about 15% of the document.

Also another point i wanted to make and this is directed towards the Spanish speakers, i have seen the word "alienigena" spread over the document. As far as i know the word is a mutilation of the word Alien, and is not an accepted (recognized) word in the Spanish language, i have been changing the word to "extraterrestre" in order for it to encompass the feel of the game and keep with it a "proper" translation.

If any one believes this should not be so please do let me know.

Thank you.

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