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Messages - JPierre

Pages: [1]
Maybe you need to have it pressed/poked more time? Dunno...

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Rockhampton - Eaglenest
« on: January 23, 2011, 11:36:21 am »
Eh, pardon my ignorance, but I don't know how to do that. Could someone do it?

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Rockhampton - Eaglenest
« on: January 05, 2011, 01:32:04 am »
Sorry for the necromancy, but I haven't seen a solution for this.
Tried bringing 7 soldiers to the mission, instead of 8, and it worked fine.
Hope it gets solved for the next release.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Bug/screw up -- medkits
« on: January 05, 2011, 01:30:40 am »
Easy solution to the current problem:

* Medkits only give Temporary HP, which will only last until the end of the mission.
* If your health gets to 1HP you can indeed heal back to full health, but when the mission is over you get back to 1HP.
* You can only get one Temporary HP for each lost HP. That prevents soldiers from taking damage, healing, taking damage again and healing again, endlessly.
* If you want to complexify it you can make the Temp HP wear off with time, like pain medicine losing its effect.


Field medicine is not brain surgery, it involves cutting a bleeding and avoiding the victim from passing out. It's basically bandages, plus morphine/adrenaline or such. So, a medkit should never heal the way the hospital and time does.
When a unit gets injured, you can treat a wound so it won't bother for the next hour (but will have to be treated in the long term), and you can treat his nervous system so he doesn't feel pain, and/or gets stimulated (but pain will come back in the long term, as well as fatigue).
If you are wounded, treated with a medkit (treated, not healed), and then get wounded again, the chances you can get effective treatment are abysmally lower, since you are adding new damage to previous wounds.

Design / Re: Geoscape
« on: February 03, 2009, 12:52:25 am »

Design / Re: Geoscape
« on: February 03, 2009, 12:12:58 am »
Mmm.. In that case I would think in a simpler map, not a photo. That way you could have much more detail.

What are your thoughts on points II, III and IV?

Design / Re: Geoscape
« on: January 31, 2009, 06:16:32 am »
Sorry to resurrect this many years old topic, but I guessed it was better that start a new one with the same Title.
I was wondering about some improvements on the geoscape, and if they wouldn't be too difficult to do.

I- Geoscape map quality: It's quite low, I don't expect Google Earth resolution, as mentioned before, but how about being able to see some not so small islands a little better?

II- Islands: The ability of building bases on islands and having aliens making their own there. That would create more hiding places for alien bases, and help humans patrol oceans a little better. It could even allow reducing the radar watch area, way too big to me. It doesn't seem too complex, but I may be wrong.
Which islands to be chosen? Some options:

III- More political factions: I don't know if it would turn the game more complicated, but it would certainly offer some more game strategy options. Having more nations, you can choose who to please and who to ignore. Each nation would have something to offer (Rich and low populated parts of Europe offer some technicians [If they end up having skill levels like in X-Com Apocalypse, they wouldn't be many, but would be skilled], almost no soldiers or workers but a fair amount of money. Civil war-like regions of South America, Africa and Asia could offer many unskilled soldiers, and so on). Nations would be harder to please, and almost impossible to have them all happy, forcing you to choose your strategy carefully.

IV- Complex borders: There could be some simple lines in the map showing the political boundaries, to help you plan better on how to please an specific nation. Also, having a little bit more complex boundaries could difficult the pleasing mission in valuable nations (Ex: Some Scandinavia-like nation would posses Greenland, Svalbard [], Iceland and possibly a further away island or colony; some Andean Union nation would be thin and long, and so on, in order to make the defense more challenging.

V- Show the bigger cities around the globe, and each nations capital (simple squares, circles and dots would do the trick). They would functions as the human nations analog of a base. Basically, if an ufo attacks one of the cities, the map will be a random, medium or big, city map with more civilians and more nation happiness variation potential than a an attack on some random small rural not map-listed village, especially in case of being a national capital.

I tried to make low work hours cost suggestions, but my non-existent programming skill may have made that objective fail. Well, I hope you can provide me with good critics and/or suggestions.

Discussion / Re: tngo una duda
« on: January 29, 2009, 01:11:30 pm »
este juego me a gustado bastante ya staba casi idiotizado despues d casi 1 semana y acabaaa T_T y mi duda es si llegaron a poner las plasma defense o el laser defense el fusion ball defense entre otros este juego tiene futuro si lo ace algo asi como el primer x-com q para mi a sido el mejor porque como asi vencemos a los aliens si no vaos a atacarlos a ninguna de sus base y es mas llegan scouts y los harvester pero no ay base asta me parece q ay supply me quedo corto el game les deseo lo mejor y yo creo q pueden mejorarlo ya esta bien todo solo q le falta aunmentos buen dia

Translating: I've liked this game a lot, I was almost idiotic after a week of playing and it ends. And my doubt is if you have already put the plasma defense or the laser defense, the fusion ball among others. This game has future, if it's made like the first x-com, that for me it was the best, because how is it that we beat the aliens if we don't go to attack them at any of their bases, and even more, scouts and harversers arrive but there is no base. As if there is supply (T.N.: I have no idea of what he meant with that). It was short on me the game (T.N.: Slang meaning that it wasn't enough for him). I wish you the best and I think you can make it better. It is already allright, only that it lacks upgrades. Good day.

Mapping / Re: Is the subway map (New York) unfair?
« on: January 29, 2009, 12:44:59 pm »
My game crashed after ending a mission in that map. Is that an old fixed bug, or not?

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