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Messages - Denthar

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Increase hit chance on consecutive shots
« on: November 30, 2013, 09:48:11 pm »
No thanks. Mechanics like this would need to be applied to both your troopers and the aliens to make it fair.

I already get battered enough by the aliens in the early and late games, and it's also rendered a bit moot for your troops if you're fielding Colonels (who seem to quite frequently reach a super human state if they stick to one class of weapon).

Hello, 2.5 Stable issue, from the 12th October stable build.

Been trying to do the fuel dump mission, but unless I'm missing something like a minimum safe distance, it's rather broken.

Happily pick up the bomb and have it planted by the game, including the Item Placed popup, but it doesn't seem to trigger. Ever.

I've tried about 15 times now, sometimes the planted message doesn't pop up on screen (shows in logs) and on one occasion I did have the game lock up when it planted, but I've not managed to replicate that.

Tried various things like having it backpack or hands, but it makes no difference.

Posting a new report in here as the others reported for the same issue on the BugTracker are closed+resolved, so it looks like this bug has been reintroduced.

Attached is a save with a dropship en-route and a console log.

Running on Win7.

Discussion / Re: UFOpaedia
« on: June 26, 2013, 11:24:30 pm »
But I wouldn't begrudge Chris his decision. If you're actually the first person to complain to him about technical descriptions, then he's probably right to leave them out.

I've been part of the Xenonauts forum since early alpha, well before they had their KS, and Jack/Jim's post was the first time I'd seen anyone complain that the reports were not verbose enough or didn't follow a more military or scientific prose on that forum.

Plently of complaints about spelling and the lack of articles though!

Personally, my happy medium is actually between this UFO:AI and Xenonauts. Not massively dry and report-like with enough "flavour" to make it an interesting read, but with a decent structure and not too much hyperbole.

Discussion / Re: 2.5 sucks completely
« on: April 22, 2013, 01:37:37 am »
Btw, is 2.5 really so hard? I'm playing 2.4 on easy now, I wonder how strong punch in my face will 2.5 be for me...

If you don't use smoke and flashbangs, it's a bloody nightmare.

If you do, then it's fairly easy up until some of the later aliens appear with what's essentially a super shotgun.

I also want to say something about this post from H-Hour:
The AI always knows where you are. This is common in many games as it's very difficult to create a challenging AI if they don't know where to look. AI improvements are always welcome, but it's a bit of a specialised field and hard to attract talent.

Just because aliens always happen to know where you are, doesn't mean they have to behave like they've got a direct line of sight.

While I've never done AI in my life (if I had, I'd offer to help), I've got a pretty good notion that either state machines (and some other bits and bobs) or fuzzy logic could be very useful in giving the AI a bit more variety and kill off the homing notion.

Discussion / Re: New encumbrance/TU system
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:04:26 pm »
With regards to the new system, I too think the penalties are tad too harsh when you just creep over the limits, either that or some secondary items like Medkits (especially Medkits) need their TU cost reduced a bit, maybe by 25%.

On the UI front, I will say that having to manually divide the "max" weight by half when I'm kitting a soldier out to figure out what they can carry is tedious beyond reason, and if I'm being lazy, just results in extra clicking when I add something too heavy and then remove it with the next click.

I feel the  UI would be better served by showing the max carry weight *before* any TU penalties are incurred, and then simply turning red and showing the penalty when you go over the limit (ie, showing 19.5/18kg and the ilk).

The bonus AP for staying under a certain weight is a nice bonus, adds some interesting tactics to the battle field.

Discussion / Re: Again on reaction fire
« on: January 13, 2013, 11:22:13 pm »
There was a commit change recently addressing a RF bug that may explain the aliens seems to move and fire for full and then take full RF later. Hadn't seen an announcement and I know this irritates the crap out of people so I thought I'd mention it.

If it was committed then it's not fixed as of the Dev 2.5 build for Jan 10th, as I'm experiencing quite a high frequency of aliens happily moving sizable distances, firing off shots, and then hammering my squad with RF come my turn.

It is extremely irritating, as you've noted, as it's incredibly unfair and unfun.

Without diving into the code, I wonder if aliens have their TU replenished during the human turn (therefore allowing them have a massive amount of RF) rather than during their own turn.

As an aside RF seems to have other issues in this game, it might be a design choice, but I find it extremely odd that aliens don't RF often if you move about in their LOS, but go RF crazy when you try to shoot (often killing your squad members before they can complete their action).

(Nb, first post. Be gentle :) )

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