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Messages - kouko

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Discussion / Re: Feedback and impressions after 1 campaign
« on: November 28, 2012, 04:08:11 pm »
Moro! (Hi, greetings from Finland)


I am a fan of the original X-COM, and ended testing this UFOAI project through a lot of googling of the original game. This is the best freeware game i have played, so thank you guys! I enjoyed finding new aliens and stuff :D...
Next some impressions after playing the campaign (stable version 2.4.). I do my best to be constructive in my criticism...
Overall, I am impressed with what the team has achieved (like the thread starter...). This game is quite good balanced, fun to play and special thanks about throughout descriptions of tech tree upgrades.
I immediately enjoyed the variety of equipment and weapons available. You can really pick the weapons you like, anyways more of this under topic Tactical mode. First something about geoscape...


Overall the system is good.
I like the radar system and UFO intercepting system with rockets or beams... I was expecting one of the UFOs to just bomb a SAM site eventually... That didn´t happen at version 2.4.
However a couple of things, if my interceptor go to same position with UFO, the game might get stuck and the game loads a long time between each rocket and bullet that my interceptor fires... Usually 30-180 sec waiting helps.
Also i would like option, that if you shoot a UFO scout with best weapons available they would blow up, not just take damage or drop into ocean :D
Too much UFOs spawns, I saw over 300 before ending the game... Balance between advancement and dozens of useless missions could be a bit better.
UFOs attacking your base, you should be able to shoot em down, not just engage aliens at battle inside the base.
It didn't help that I got stuck in the tech tree for a moment (capturing aliens... I think there should be more hints of what to do).

Tactical mode:

Vision... You can see everything, day and night. That makes game pretty easy and night missions less spooky.
I think you guys should not show what kind of mix of aliens you are going to fight against, so different load screens pls :D
I think my troops never fired reaction fire (RF), even with TU reserve. But guess this problem is noted elsewhere, so enough of that.
I enjoyed testing variety of weapons. Anyways, pretty quick I formed squad of 8: 2 Rocket launchers, 2 grenade launchers, 3 snipers and one assault men (assault rifle ->plasma rifle). Maybe my game would be easier with different combination, but that 8man group did last from the start to end.
So i think that you should have a bit more differation between earlygame weapons and lategame (alien) weapons, ´cos the earlygame weapons are sufficient to drop every alien you encounter.
Also there should be more troop advancement, i think they should also gain speed some times... I didn´t regognize any use of skill mind of my troops.
Medkits... The healing system isn´t perfect. Maybe at different game skill levels you should drop the soldier max hp to half of the amount it is right now. You don´t have to be afraid of the aliens, ´cos they can´t kill your units very easily, and after firefight you can heal your troops pretty easily.

I would personally enjoy having one tank or mech at my team, as well as UFO:s having theirs.
At UFO harvesters the aliens get often stuck between the two mid stairs in their ship. Also, why the heck everyone assault off their ship... Why they just don´t wait and kill the incoming attackers. Could use more differation of alien tactics (easy to wish, hard to make...)
Aliens should also use more grenades and explosing weapons, so you can´t form 3-5man firing groups so easily. Overall the aliens should be more unfair: more troops, better weapons and better vision etc.
I got the impression that the AI will typically fire weapons at the beginning ot the turn, and move to open at end of turn. However they have enough TUs for reaction fire even after that.
The maps are mostly good, I enjoy having plenty of differation and different details, such as flickering TV:s at em. So good job!
...But damn those wooden fences can take hit :(



Thank you for making a good game
Wouldn´t made any kind of feedback for a bad one :D
Hopefully someone will enjoy my 5 cents, see you again shooting some plasma rifles!


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