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Messages - shazzi2k

Pages: [1]
Tactics / Re: Storming harvester
« on: August 20, 2010, 04:40:33 am »
In terror missions, most of the time you gotta move your soldiers into harvester to kill all those aliens onboard.
Problem is, it often turns out that ...
1.Soldiers gathering near the aft doors, getting ready to storm inside. End turn.
2.Aliens turn. Aliens pop out from aft doors, taking a few free shots then retreat back in.
3.Human casulties.

It doesn't happen everytime, only half the times, but I'm playing with zero casualty rule (one die, retry), so either
-I would like some advices to make attacking into harvester a little less hazardous for my favorite soldiers or
-Should I use 1 or 2 newbies soldiers as "expendable" scout ?

It took me 6 in-game months to grow those stupid recruits with 20 across all stats into something worthy as defender of the earth with 40+ proficiency. So I can't really afford to lose them ... or should I ?

IR don't really help much, cuz in order to get close enough to scan, that also put the scanner in danger of getting killed in enemy turn when enemies just walk around the corner to give a few blast before go back inside.

Hmmm, this never seems to happen to me at all. All aliens seen to be at the craft entrance barely inside or out and about on the map. I would to see more aliens on the ship thought

Feature Requests / Re: Alien using human weapons?
« on: September 11, 2008, 10:35:44 pm »
why not? You are supposed to use alien weaponry in later game, so why should you prevent aliens from using human weaponry...

So they regress and resort to using primitive tech?

Feature Requests / Alien using human weapons?
« on: September 08, 2008, 11:12:13 pm »
I do not know if this is supposed to happen. During my single player after the first 2 missions Aliens started using Human weapons instead of their energy ones. for instance aliens were shooting at me in fully automatic with machine guns and assault rifles. Are they allowed to do this?

I apologize if this has been posted before i tried looking for it but got to 15/48 posts and got bored.


Feature Requests / Re: Civilian shoots at me with RF?
« on: September 08, 2008, 11:03:08 pm »
lmfao reading that make me chuckle  ;D

Tactics / Soldier Skills
« on: September 06, 2008, 06:14:23 pm »
I am curious to know about soldier skills. Can they be improved? like on Xcom Defence?

Tactics / OK erm Geoscape interceptions lol?
« on: September 06, 2008, 05:08:01 pm »
ok here is the thing. i have not been playing long so i need some advice about Air-Air interceptions.

I sent out x2 interceptors the with Sparrow racks and the other starting missile system one had target computer+fuel cell other had EMC+fuel cell. they both were destroyed by a Harvest type vessel lol...

So i reloaded this time put a team member in each attack craft and they came out victorious. is this just luck or are they supposed to have team members as crew to increase combat effectiveness?

Any tips you guys could offer me in Air-Air combat would be greatly appreciated.

Discussion / No saves during Tactical =more fear? lol not really
« on: September 06, 2008, 05:00:44 pm »
Just my response to the FAQ about Not saving in Tactical missions

In my personal view. the tactical missions are not scary. Saving in the middle of a mission is helpful. Some missions can take hours (exp on X-com not UFO:AI) ive not been playing this game long but when playing the tactical missions and some1 dies from an accidental move ect can be irritating having to re do the entire mission from scratch.

Or when the client crashed during a tactical mission you could zip it bk to a point quickly. Yes it also opens another can of worms that its cheating. Ill will admit when i first started playing the ordinal game. i saves it every1 or 2 turns so important soldiers did not die. But as i played i got more skilled at playing it and eventually had no need to save during a mission.

I thought it was helpful being able to save in early areas of the game in tactical missions.

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