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Messages - Delphis

Pages: [1]
Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / 'Big city' map - Soldiers cannot get out
« on: October 19, 2010, 05:46:46 am »
I had a mission on a map called 'Big city' .. that's all there was for the name and the description of the mission. It's a map with a multi-storey car park / parking garage.

All but one of my soldiers was trapped in the dropship, unable to get out. The default ground 'level' appeared to be '2', instead of '1', I don't know if that was the issue, but none of the soldiers in the ship could get out. I tried changing levels too. When I selected level 1, the screen was black.

So, I had to quit out of the map.

Feature Requests / Dropship healing area
« on: December 10, 2009, 10:14:33 pm »
I noticed on the dropship that there is a texture with a medical red cross on the wall. It would be nice if your injured units could go there and recover health over time. I tend to pull out soldiers that are injured beyond a certain amount. Especially since now the medikits don't actually DO anything, I don't know why that was changed? Using 2.3-dev (December 1 release)

Feature Requests / Re: Two recurrent crashes, probably unrelated.
« on: July 23, 2008, 05:44:36 pm »
As someone suggested (rightly) to me, make sure you install the ufoai-data-music package too. I also had an antarctica mission that caused a crash.

I wasn't trying to be impatient.. just noticed a bug and thought I'd report it. Is the idea that we shouldn't comment on bugs in the dev version in this forum?

Hi.. I noticed that the radar installations are not being saved when saving a game.

'...subsystem 'installation' - saved 0 bytes' .. sure enough when loading the save game, all radar installations are gone.

I did an 'svn' up' just now and recompile to check that it hadn't already been taken care of. The bug still seems to persist.

Thanks for the snarky reply. I did search for it and nothing came up.  :P


I'd like to see the possibility of user-defined 'defaults' for the loadout of a soldier. The user could then define a default setting for 'assault' or 'heavy', or even just a 'standard equipment' and then add on from there. If the user could name their defaults/settings then they could organize them as they see fit. It would be a default available across all soldiers, not tied to any one soldier. This feature would aid in initial configuration and swapping in and out of soldiers since the configuration is lost every time a change is made.

Further on from these 'defaults' would be an option to purchase the needed equipment for the default you're assigning (if the missing items could be purchased) or state that an item is not in the stores should you try to assign a default that includes equipment you don't have in the stores and it's something you make yourself.. maybe put in a work order?

This idea of 'defaults' could also be extended to aircraft too. It'd be very much easier to set up a number of like-interceptors in different bases.

Feature Requests / Re: Where did the initial credits go?
« on: July 17, 2008, 07:44:37 pm »
I see hidden in the options there are settings for the 3d globe (not sure why the default was changed though?) and also for the auto-build stuff. Still, that's hardly intuitive to have it buried there instead of simply asking the question when you're actually building the base.

Knowing about the radar ranges prior to building would still be a suggestion I'd like to make.


Feature Requests / Where did the initial credits go?
« on: July 17, 2008, 07:22:48 pm »
I have this question... when  starting the game it states that you have a certain number of credits, about 1.3million on the standard game. When you create a base though, this drops to about 50,000 ... where did all the credits go? I am assuming to build and stock the initial base that you are presented with. My question is that this is not apparent, since the 'base build cost' says '$100,000'. It would be nicer to have the option to 'quick-start' the initial base but for some people (like me) they might want control over just what gets built. Maybe I don't want to spend the money building an alien containment structure and a workshop until I actually have something to do with it.. I would prefer to buy a better interceptor than the crappy one I'm given.

So, either the first base is a 'freebie' and doesn't eat up the 1.3 million starting credits, or there should be an option on whether you want it auto-built in the default way when first placing the base.

By the way, I like the 'radar' installation idea. One other thing for radar ranges.. it would be prudent to show the PROJECTED radar range around the cursor before building, so you can see just how ranges can overlap. Doing this for both bases (i.e. if they were to have a radar built, what would its range be) and radar installations before finalizing the build would be very helpful, especially given the flat map idea (which I'm not too fond of to be honest.. I liked the globe).

Feature Requests / Re: Crash bug: 14608 Floating point exception
« on: July 15, 2008, 05:02:40 pm »
To follow up on this, I tried the same savegame on a windows machine (version 2.2.1 of UFO:AI) and the game did not crash. My initial save was from the Linux (Debian) version, just FYI.

Feature Requests / Re: Soldier Name and Face Bug?
« on: July 14, 2008, 10:45:48 pm »
I've noticed this too. Often happens when I select to use a medkit, another soldier's name comes up in the info screen even though the soldier I had does complete that action and modifies the correct inventory.

Feature Requests / Crash bug: 14608 Floating point exception
« on: July 14, 2008, 10:44:24 pm »
I have a reproducible floating point exception when entering a ufo crash site (firebird gets to location, click 'Enter' to start -> ends up in crash'. It's done this before a few times on different ones and I end up going back to a point before the landing/attack happened and effectively 'missing' it. This time I have a save game just before starting the problematic mission. I've attached it in case that helps. I'm curious to know if that happens a lot for people. I'm using UFO 2.2.1.

[attachment deleted by admin]

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