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Messages - Spyro

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Linux / Re: No music in game (installed from deb's)
« on: January 20, 2010, 11:55:05 pm »
Well, in that case, I don't see any hardware-related reason that sound would fail in ufoai. More than likely it is/was a pulseaudio issue. If it isn't solved by the switch to 2.3-dev then just remove pulseaudio and save yourself the headache. Based on my experiences removing pulseaudio on several different machines (successfully and without incident so far), the best way to do it is with the following procedure:

1. Remove PulseAudio
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio
sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio-*
sudo apt-get remove --purge gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio

2. Install Esound - (Not Sure if This is really needed or not, but seems to help retain system sounds in gnome. It can't hurt anything.)
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get install esound

3. Add Audio Hacks Repository - just follow the direction here:

4. Re-Add Volume Control to Panel - The one included with ubuntu is attached to pulse and bugs out when you remove pulseaudio. By adding the audio hacks repository you get access to versions of gnome-applets, gnome-media, and gnome-settings-daemon that were compiled with pulseaudio support disabled. You can try to do this yourself, but dpkg always bugged out for me.

Or, as a totally different alternative, you could just install a distro that is not so rigidly attached to pulseaudio. I am an ubuntu user myself, but when it comes to functionality sometimes you must be distro agnostic.

Linux / Re: It just won't start - a black screen is what I get
« on: January 20, 2010, 06:37:00 pm »
Installed it in OpenSuse and it works just fine :-)  Thanks for taking your time to help me though


If it works in OpenSuse then it was probably Ubuntu's nvidia driver installation package. The automated installer can be extremely problematic at times - it seems to sometimes have a mind of its own.

I have actually been contemplating a switch to a different distro myself.

Linux / Re: No music in game (installed from deb's)
« on: January 20, 2010, 06:33:37 pm »
Hopefully the 2.3-dev version works, but if not.... Then....

It occurs to me that I should have asked a question a long time ago...

What type of sound card are you using?  :)

Linux / Re: No music in game (installed from deb's)
« on: January 20, 2010, 12:51:58 pm »
Kildor has a good point.

If you haven't compiled them yet on your own, you can download 2.3-dev compiled for 9.10 32-bit from my "site" (no web page yet, not enough hours in the week for that yet) at

I will be making a formal apt repository as soon as I get just a little bit of extra time... But if you would like to try the latest version (and you are running i386) then those should work.

Just tested it for a bit in an ubuntu 9.10 32-bit vm. No sound issues after starting a mission and moving around a bit. Maybe the version was the problem?

Edit: Played around with things.

Linux / Re: No music in game (installed from deb's)
« on: January 19, 2010, 02:39:10 pm »
Code: [Select]
SDL_mixer version: 1.2.8 rate: 44100 channels: 2
...driver: 'alsa'

It appears as though, for whatever reason, SDL is still using the alsa driver rather than the pulse driver. However, the crackling sound seems as though it is actually using the pulse driver. Try the things below and let me know if any of them work for you. I apologize for the many options available, but there is no other way to narrow things down.

For your first option... Open a terminal, then type the following command to run ufo alien invasion:

Code: [Select]
If that doesn't work, then you can also try the following to get it working:

Code: [Select]
pasuspender ufo
Failing that, there is one more thing that you could try:

1. First, open a terminal and use the following command (without quotes): "sudo apt-get install padsp"
2. Next open a terminal and run the folloring:
Code: [Select]
export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=oss; padsp ufo
If none of those options work, and you still get crackling sound, then your options are to either uninstall pulseaudio or try to get it to work. If you want to keep pulseaudio, then follow the steps in this thread to try and fix it:

Personally, I have uninstalled pulseaudio on every system that I use for gaming. It is far too much work to get it working, and it never seems to play well with WINE. Of course, pulseaudio is a great project, but unless you build and patch the development version (and keep up with the changes), you will never (in my experience) be satisfied with the outcome.

Linux / Re: It just won't start - a black screen is what I get
« on: January 19, 2010, 04:07:54 am »
Open up a terminal and then type the following command to see the contents of the game's log
Code: [Select]
gedit ~/.ufoai/*/base/ufoconsole.log
If you want to, you can paste the last 60 or so lines of that file up here and that should provide enough information to figure things out.

Without having seen the log, it sounds as though your nvidia drivers may not actually be functional. Can you play any other 3d games? Try `sudo apt-get install extremetuxracer` (in a terminal, without the quotes) and then see what happens when you run that game.

Also, be prepared for a few of these minor hiccups as you dig deeper into linux. Consider them to be learning experiences and don't get discouraged. It is well worth the effort to learn linux. I have been running a linux desktop since 1996 and along the way I have converted a significant portion ofmy friends & family to it for day to day use. There is a definite learning curve and there are still a few unsmoothed edges but it can be done.

Linux / Re: No music in game (installed from deb's)
« on: January 19, 2010, 03:18:15 am »
it does not work

More information than that is needed if you want to get help. What are your symptoms?

Is your sound crackling? Was there no sound at all? Was there some other kind of problem?

Edit: Misspelling...

Thanks mattn! And while I'm at it, thanks to everyone else who contributes to this wonderful game!

Now I can split my time on the weekend between playing and digging around the source code... Until recently I had not realized that ufoai has one of the larger C codebases among open source games. Next time I have a problem, I am hopefully able to address the problem itself rather than the just the symptoms.

Ah, thanks for the reply. I have taken a quick peek at the event in question but I didn't see anything that jumped out as being problematic.

I will dig a little deeper over the weekend.

Linux / Re: No music in game (installed from deb's)
« on: January 12, 2010, 04:02:30 am »
Pulseaudio messes with game sounds quite a bit. My usual solution is to uninstall pulseaudio and just use alsa instead, but because of the way that ubuntu has tied pulseaudio into everything uninstalling pulseaudio can be a messy experience.

The simplest solution is to just run:
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio
sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio-*
sudo apt-get install esound

The main problem for me with this approach is that it breaks sound in the Gnome Media Player. The solution for this is to just use vlc ( `sudo apt-get install vlc` ) which works like a charm. If not for pulseaudio, ubuntu would be the perfect distro for me. Hopefully the pulseaudio team gets all of these bugs worked out soon.

Edit: Please note, I am not responsible for any issues that you may face due to uninstalling pulseaudio! However, it has worked fine on my 5 systems so far...

Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: R27965 Big texture problem
« on: January 12, 2010, 03:42:43 am »
glsl shaders?

I have a similar setup (9600 GT, Ubuntu 9.10, Nvidia 185), and switching on glsl shaders fixed the problem for me (atleast so far, so good). Prior to switching it on, every mission was messed up.

Undoing the changes in 97939 brings back the TU reservation system. Additionally, reaction fire was not broken before, but it might as well have been because there were no TUs being reserved (and I am not nearly clever enough to survive without that feature).

I have attached a very simple patch that rolls back the changes in 97939. This patch should be applied against 27965. More recent revisions may or may not apply cleanly.

To use this patch:
* Place the tu_fix.diff into your ufoai source code directory (the same place you run ./configure, make, etc)
* Open a terminal, go to that directory, and run the following
Code: [Select]
patch -p0 < ./tu_fix.diff
Edit: Forgot to attach the file!

I have this problem as well. I am using r27965, and here are the symptoms...
Reaction fire - single and multiple - does not work (see illustration)
Reserving TUs for shooting does not reserve the TUs
Reserving TUs for standing/crouching does not reserve the TUs

I have tried with a new campaign, a saved campaign, and a skirmish. The same problems exist regardless of the type of game that I start.

The problem must have come about in r27939, because r27938 did not have any of the above problems (also, the code changes in 27939 altered the TU reservations system).

On a slightly unrelated note, multiple shot reaction fire has not worked for me for quite some time (or atleast the indicator - the green bar - never displays it).

Linux / Re: Ufo:AI 2.2.1 and 2.3-dev Debs for Debian/Ubuntu
« on: December 16, 2008, 05:07:10 pm »
Well, I made the packages, but there was no radiant binary compiled in the debs prior to svn-20849. While it was enabled by default, the deb scripts did not make the binary. I added it in earlier today along with its dependencies (pulled from the configure script).

A patch has been submitted to the tracker for review.

Linux / Re: Ufo:AI 2.2.1 and 2.3-dev Debs for Debian/Ubuntu
« on: December 16, 2008, 06:48:34 am »
Not a problem, I would have done it earlier, but was having problems with my home network. I don't have time to put together a formal repository, but I will try to keep things updated on a nightly basis. (Old versions will be retained up to a certain point).

For future updates, use this site rather than the other one:

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