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Messages - Shivoc

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: no XP gain when autoing missions
« on: June 07, 2008, 07:48:20 pm »
the current autoresolve feature shouldn't be used at all... it really feels like cheating ;)
f.e. if not defending your base it only counts how many soldiers you have to calculate the odds of winning, there is no possibility that a soldier dies during the mission (it's all or none), it doesn't even matter if any soldier in your team has a weapon... it seems to be better for base defense missions, as equipment seems to be used for calculating odds there, but it's still far from great...

i want to work on this and as soon as i have some initial ideas on how the mechanics behind it should work, i'll start a discussion thread about it...

for now not gaining xp for autoresolve missions is the least you can get for using it :) (of course i know how useful the feature is... it's just not implemented in a meaningful way yet) :)

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