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Messages - Dandadandan

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Nice game - some early feedback
« on: May 05, 2008, 03:48:30 pm »
Just got into this game in the last week, was tipped off by my brother who knows I've always been a big fan of the original but was left somewhat disappointed by all the follow-ups. I think you've done an excellent job of creating a similar atmosphere which was the biggest part that made the original such an addictive game.

Its been so long since I've played the original and I've only been playing this a few days so there's only a few of things I'm missing...

Destructible walls... yeah its been said. From what I've read it can't be done with the game engine being used. Thats a damn shame... I used to love making my own doors into buildings... especially when the provided entrances were a couple turns walk away.

At the end of each month I recall there used to be a screen that popped up with a shady looking guy holding your briefcase full of cash...  I really liked that. It also showed you graphs of your performance reviews from each region I think... but yeah, instead of just showing the short administrative expenses message at each months end, maybe include a pop up window with all the info we used to get.

UFOs don't ever land anywhere! Maybe its too soon in my game... but I never see them landing...

Chairs... why can't I shoot over them. That really frustrated me, one time I was standing not 3 feet from an alien with naught but a dining table and some chairs between us and my full auto machine gun burst was completely stopped by a small wooden chair... silly.

Those are the only problems I can think of right now... I'm still loving the game, great work guys n gals can't wait for the next update!


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