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Messages - Reinis

Pages: [1]
Mac / 2.4 works with Wineskin
« on: August 07, 2012, 04:26:26 pm »

This is what I did to get 2.4 Win to work on a Mac.

Created a new wrapper in Wineskin (2.5.6), using the latest Wine (WS9Wine1.5.10).

Change the engine to [Wine 1.5.5] RawMac2 Engine - because the mouse didn't work.

Right-click the wrapper ->Show Package Contents->Contents->Frameworks
Rename the existing "wswine.bundle" to something like "wswine.bundle.old"
Paste the downloaded "wswine.bundle"

Close the window and launch the game.

I also installed Directx9_36 through Winetricks, but I think it wasn't necessary.

That's it.

My specs:
2007 Macbook
Intel GMA X3100
Lion 10.7.4

Not all graphic options work for me, but I think it's because my Intel GMA simply doesn't support it.

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