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Messages - Evropi

Pages: [1]
Translating / Re: Where do we translate now?
« on: August 29, 2012, 06:49:39 pm »
Cheers! I'll continue work on Pootle then.  ;D

As for Transifex, it is brilliant from an end-user point-of-view. Easily outclasses every other product in that area. I've used it to translater primarily Vidalia, but some other smaller open source software projects too, and can attest to its excellence as a translation interface. Even better than editing in Virtaal, the greatest of all desktop translation clients.

It is completely free and open source and the platform's "public instance" is at The code and a bunch of links that might interest you are at the company's gitHub page. It's made by the same person that made, and it follows a similar model.

He offers installation and support for a fee though you can do it yourself with some difficulty. Upgrades, as I understand it, are liable to make the instance go faulty, which has happened recently for the Xfce Desktop project (which hosts its own instance).

You should look into it. Free and open source, and great from an end-user point of view. It's just that I heard that it syncs with version control, but I'm not much interested in those details.

Thanks for the instructions and your sustained high level of support. Will do. :)

Translating / Re: Where do we translate now?
« on: August 27, 2012, 02:45:21 pm »
I didn't even know I had commit access. I'll try to figure out how to get it set up, though you should look into a more automated way of getting translations accepted, like with Transifex.

So what you're saying is, as I understand it:
  • Merge the two .po files--the fresh one from a git repository and the other from pootle.
  • Upload that to Pootle, work there (just in case someone else want to step in, so I wouldn't do it offline).
  • Download the new, more complete .po translation from Pootle again.
  • Upload that to the repository!

Translating / Where do we translate now?
« on: August 26, 2012, 02:21:36 pm »
Hi, I want to continue work on my translation, but the latest new message confused me a little...

From the moment I signed up as a translator, I worked on UFO:AI's instance of Pootle. Before that my 30% or so complete translation was done on a PO file I yanked from the source repository.

Should I continue working on Pootle  or will it not be checked? I'm somewhat confused.

All right! In the end I just merged all the translations manually to Pootle (or is the Pootle instance meant to be a secret? ;D).

The quest for a complete Greek translation continues on Pootle. Thank you very much for all your help and support and taking time out of your busy schedule to help me out, geever. :D

Thank you very much for your speedy reply. :D

Do note that the texts are not necessarily from 2011. It might be the 2012-02 version (February's). I do hope you're successful though, as it took a great deal of work to get to that point!

Translating / Greek translation -- *technical* help urgently needed
« on: May 18, 2012, 12:08:59 am »

Shortly before version 2.4 was released, I began translating the game to Greek, hoping to get an a translation in that is at least half-decent; the translation currently seems to have been entire machine-generated.

However, when I tried to submit my patch to Sourceforge, the website displayed all sorts of problems that prevented me from uploading the patch. I put the file on the backburner for a while (in a directory I never check!).

I just recently checked the website again and found that 2.4 has been released. Now, I've spent about 2 or 3, possibly 4 hours on this*... I would probably not work on this again if the changes did not go in to the Git repository. So I will blackmail you! I believe I have truly rather good credentials in the field of open source project translation, and you wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to have me work on a translation for this outstanding game

Is there a way to merge the two together? The raw .po file is here. I think I worked on the last 2011 version or the 2012 version from February, but I'm not really sure. If you could merge the two together, I promise to become an active maintainer of the Greek translation in the immediate future.

* Much of this time I spent researching various transliterations or possible translations of city names. Some city names, like New York have been naturalised. Others, like Amsterdam, have not. Translating the names of Chinese cities was extremely annoying, as there is no official Greek transliteration but most news sources use some obscure transliteration to Greek that is not documented anywhere. Neverthless, I put a lot of effort into all of my translations and if there is a single hint of doubt present, I will either not translate a string or change its status to "fuzzy".

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