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Messages - lungic

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Soldier craft position re-ordering
« on: July 15, 2012, 09:35:13 pm »
Ah, ok. Seem's like you've taken a strategic decision then, which is cool as well.

Feature Requests / Re: Soldier craft position re-ordering
« on: July 15, 2012, 11:03:24 am »
Soldiers starting positions on the battlescape are distributed at random. If not, it depends on the order the spawnpoints were originally set on the map. Afaik it does not take the in-craft-position into account.

Perhaps there are only four spawn points on certain maps, and it only applies to the first four soldiers? Because I remember that time and again the same four remained inside the craft. I.e. my wounded ones sans Power Armor stormed the field, and the rest stayed behind. Perhaps I played the same maps too many times. (Ufo:s got shot down by SAM-sites at certain locations several times).

I like the idea of random placements on some (most) maps, though it would be nice to have control over the soldier deploy pattern on the assault missions where the humans are in control (unless ambushed).

Feature Requests / Soldier craft position re-ordering
« on: July 14, 2012, 09:46:05 pm »
Hi, simple feature request.

Ability to move soldier craft position up and down.

Perhaps an "up arrow and a down arrow" (like the buy/sell/transfer button).

In the craft/personell view. (Where the equip soldiers button is)

Since the in-craft-position determines where the soldier starts on certain missions, I'd like to have my wounded soldiers to be the ones that remains inside the craft, and my healthy ones being the ones that storms out of the craft. (Also it would make it easier to deploy soldiers in the field).

Yes, one can remove all the soldiers from the craft, and add them in the right order, but if you have more than say eight soldiers in the base, you need to remember who was positioned where, and it gets tedious. Move up and down would make it very much more feasible.

If this is already in 2.5 I haven't checked, then apologies.

Discussion / Re: Congratz
« on: May 11, 2012, 11:17:10 pm »
Hi hi.
I just wanted to show my appreciation to you who've made this fine creation. No need to start another thread, so I thought to join in the congratulations. It's a work in progress, but I think you've made a great leap forward since 2.2 when I last tried it out.

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