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Messages - Heebsjeebs

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Is sniper still useless? [2.5]
« on: May 17, 2012, 08:21:16 pm »
  If the Machine Gun is supposed to represent the M-60/M240B/PKM style machine gun, you would have to be a hulking monster with near limitless endurance to fire it standing up. The 240B without ammo weighs almost 30 pounds, and is over 4 feet long.  The recoil would obviously screw your accuracy while standing, but the barrel rise combined with the length of the weapon would make it  impossible to control after a few rounds. This is why machine guns are used either from a mounted T&E mechanism, or from bi-pods in the prone position.

 Visually speaking, crouching in the game is actually squatting.  I don't think you'd want to use any kind free firing weapon from that position. If the mode is supposed to actually represent kneeling, then firing just about any weapon is going to be more accurate. A proper kneeling firing position is really half-kneeling, half-sitting. You sit back on the heel of your rearward leg, with you elbow resting on your thigh, just behind the knee. This position is very stable, though not very comfortable.

 I would say that for the sniper rifle, rather than making it less accurate while crouching...remove the snapshot mode from it completely.

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