I updated from 2.3.1 to 2.4 only days ago. So far, I am enjoying many new impressive changes.
That said, here are some strange (i.e. bad) changes I noticed:
: Didn't 2.3.1 have auto-battle option for when aliens invade the base?
It was fresh and fun for the first couple of times, but in the end, you don't change the base that much. This means each time an invasion occurs, you have to re-do the exact same moves you made last time. It just gets boring and meaningless. Could the auto-fight option somehow be enabled?
Thanks again to the team for the great new version, and I look forward to viewing public comments on these points.
Hello, new player here. I would like also to ask for an option to have all battles to autoresolve. It really becomes very boring and time consuming after few times, to the point that I rather quit the game after repeated base invasion than battle again.