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Messages - Kardell

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« on: May 11, 2012, 07:30:34 pm »
Iam not a DJ - iam a composer (using a digital audio workstation) and sound designer.I compose music whenever iam in the mood for it. ;) Venethian was a member of the initial Team (before 2.3 - probably even earlier - dont know much about the history of UFO:AI). He composed 6 tracks for UFO:AI. If you want to listen to my songs, you can DL them here.
Cool. Thanks for links.
I like yours Geosphere02 & 04. I hear some elements reaching far to Jean M. Jarre, some other characteristic for around 2000 trance music.
I like Venethian's electric guitar what reminds me music from Oni game.
Good job, carry on!

Discussion / Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« on: May 11, 2012, 03:06:22 am »
Sorry, I dont understand the question. What do you want to know exactly?
Sorry I meant dJing.
Who is Venethian? I think I've seen him in the credits as Music by

Discussion / Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« on: May 11, 2012, 12:34:40 am »
By the way Crystan where do you usually play in the weekends, Sat nights?

Discussion / Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« on: May 10, 2012, 11:05:38 pm »
Developing extra features is not a waste of time. I am quite sure no dev thinks like that. And everybody in the team wants to give the players as much X-Com as possible.
So for me please:
- fog of war, so when I open the door to the dark room my visual range is the beam of light coming from that door,
- destructible walls, so I can use plasma rifle to make an extra entrance on demand,

Imo it would be better to make the autoresolve possible as a standard and counter this by rewarding the players that donĀ“t use it.

Also, I would add the probability of a landed UFO escaping when the mission is played on autoresolve.
or yes, good idea, but please no skipping terror missions and base invasions.
From X-Com? No. That would have legal issues.

I am wondering if there is any access to the music sheets, so I can play and record these soundtracks on my Yamaha. Actually I should do this without any sheets.
Otherwise it will take a while before it goes to the public domain. Or to avoid legal issues make it available to download independently like the videos for Warzone2100.

Discussion / Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« on: May 10, 2012, 02:04:51 am »
As long as the game follows old X-com and missions become more sopfisticated after every release there is no need to waste time to develop extra features - wishes of some of the players/forum members.
X-com is geo-strategy, but the core thing of the game is turn-based fight, so automission should IMHO receive penalties to discourage player from using it.

We should concentrate how to support developers to let them create bigger maps with more dense environment and provide thriller feeling of the game for me the best known from UFO Xcom Underwater, so around version 3.0 of UFO:AI I finally play a mission like terror one that takes place on a cargo or passenger ship, where my 10 ppl squad has to split to 5 duos to be able to check every room, cabin and finally the engine room on time! It takes time, but builds up damn good thriller.

And another thing! I love the current soundtracks, however is there any way to reverse engineer the old soundtracks and use them as an alternative? I think these were the most appropriate and created proper audio experience, crunching doors and quite poor sounds, but the most accurate imho.

The second more important thing missing in the game is fog of war.
So you don't know how many buildings are there, where is the entrance, how many rooms and what is the color of the sofa. This makes the game less predictable and provides better exploration experience. You won't see the alien craft and you don't know in what direction how many ppl to dispatch. Even small maps become more exciting imho. Motion detectors proposed earlier in some other topic were cool as well.

Discussion / Re: Storyline suggestion
« on: May 06, 2012, 11:37:02 pm »
Well humans are almost always the last line of defence. If you take a look at movies like I-Day, Transformers and Battlefield Earth etc. Humans are the superior race in the universe. ;)
You mean Solar System as the biggest rathole that every final battle takes place here? I agree.
Normally during the peace time when traveling aliens jump to hyperspace to skip this boring rural region of the galaxy.

About this mental virus. It was already invented on Earth more than 100 years ago. It's called socialism. It slowes and reverts every civilization from development, so for instance as a result US is no longer capable to lunch astronauts into space. And instead of looking for new resources in space they waste taxpeyer's money to fight with inevitable global warming, volcanos, global cooling and growing population through more taxes, bureaucracy and birth control?

Discussion / Re: Games dragging on / Coward aliens...
« on: May 02, 2012, 08:08:29 pm »
More annoyances than controling the game from the beginning is better I think.
In Underwater plasma rifle is one of the best weapon and it is not researched immediately.
I like the situations where ammo is depleting and soldiers have to throw what have left or scavenge (so you feel your equipment, every metal jacket), so the idea of spawning aliens is good.
However I would recommend to just double their number in every mission. 3-6, 5-10 etc.
Till now my the most exciting mission was when my dropship was shot down and I arranged two unexperienced girls for extraction mission.
There was about 6 aliens and they were coming from every direction, have approached them very closely and were able to use their blades.

Discussion / Re: A few quick questions
« on: May 02, 2012, 01:07:20 am »
Cool. This makes every base unique. :p
However by reloading the game I managed to get bases with only one unusable square.

Discussion / Re: Games dragging on / Coward aliens...
« on: April 30, 2012, 09:02:26 pm »
I just came up with the idea to equip poor in AI aliens in a weapon of damn destruction. Their plasma fire is not so effective, however new fire sounds and glowing effects are excellent.
From Underwater I remember torpedo lunchers! This is a disaster for enemies.
Instead of throwing plasma grenades one shot and 10x10 square is burnt.
Let say one of the aliens per mission have a heavy gun like this that only UFOs can use - very advanced stuff even for UFOs. We can finally reasearch it, but at the end of the game. Like adv. weapon from Discrict 9.
I am not saying they should shoot it in every direction burning everything around, but create accurate conditions for the invasion, so everytime your comando-man wants to look behind the corner he's doing sign of the cross. I think there is still too much confidence when squad is exploring the map. Just my 5 cents ;)

Discussion / Re: Games dragging on / Coward aliens...
« on: April 30, 2012, 08:28:02 pm »
Much more agressive aliens running onto you is bad. It was like that in previous 2.3 version and it quickly became boring. No exploration, but just shooting range. It's better when they do what they came for - first cutting and frying civilians on plasma fire.
AI programming ain't so easy, so better when UFO stay hidden and shoot when approached.

Discussion / Re: A few quick questions
« on: April 30, 2012, 08:12:01 pm »
I do not know who came up with that idea, but I think the purpose is to make HQ base the best one.

Discussion / Congratz
« on: April 29, 2012, 12:37:19 am »
Congratulations for authors!
I just spotted that my UFO:AI version is no longer current. I hope Arch packagers will provide 2.4 version soon, so people can enjoy newer version directly from our repositories.
I have visited your project's site a few times long time ago searching for good X-Com like game. It was yet too early in alfa stage.
Now I am impressed what FLOSS community can achieve in game industry after that time.
I wish every community such level of determination. It is really hard to keep things and ppls together, not to let them scatter.
To be honest nowadays every proprietary game that deserve attention is far better with community mods than original product. For instance modded Homeworld 2 - Complex, Pirates of the Caribbean: Build Mod 13, Star Wars main mods, Mount&Blade: Warband mods, leading mods for Total War Rome and Medieval. This is the best game experience and no need to install 15Gigs of files.
Coming back to the point.
But you created this game from scratch. Of course I will do my best to contribute to the project and spread a good word. Since I am sensitive to music the soundtrack selection is very good if not the best, reminds me good proprietary game Oni.
Now excuse me I rush to compile 2.4 :D

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