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Messages - Darkspire

Pages: [1]
Windows / Screen Resolution
« on: February 26, 2016, 04:40:31 am »
Is there any chance the screen resolutions could also include:


Ive tried stretching and resolutions similar but nothing looks right or is just blurred.



Design / Re: Battlescape Suggestion
« on: April 16, 2012, 05:13:37 pm »
I found the Wiki section, and to be honest it looks a nightmare  :o

Well I love a challenge, so I will give it a go. Things life wise are a little screwed for me but hope to have things sorted within the next few days (divorce, and what a dozy my own stupid fault though, never think you can change someone for the better, you can't) as soon as I can give it 110% im on the case, this is a worthy project and id be honoured to help. Im reading through the Wiki at present and have downloaded all the files, yes it was selected on the install but ill install it seperately as well to be sure.


Design / Battlescape Suggestion
« on: April 16, 2012, 08:51:36 am »
Would it be possible that each level of difficulty had a different size map? As far as I can see at present all the maps are the same size, what i am suggesting is as you progress up the difficulty levels the battlescape maps base size (not height) would increase. At present (im playing on standard) most of the maps seem quite small, even the terror missons. It would give so much more tactical planning to have larger maps as you upped the difficulty, at present it takes me about 5-10 minutes to clear any map. Maybe have the option to scale maps dependant on difficulty in the settings menu?



Windows / Re: Broken Terror City Mission?
« on: April 12, 2012, 08:00:10 pm »,5559.0.html

I also suggest you switch to the 2.4 release canidate (which makes the city patch obsolete) - its far more stable than 2.3.1 and have many new features like new sounds, new graphic effects, thousands of bugfixes etc. Savegames between 2.3 and 2.4 are not compatible, so you have to start a new game.

Thankyou  :) Have now unistalled 2.3.1 and installed the 2.4 release canidate


Windows / Broken Terror City Mission?
« on: April 12, 2012, 12:20:07 pm »
WinXP 32bit

I seem to have a problem with a terror mission, I can only move one of the troops.
I can only select troops 1-7 by there number buttons, cant click on them to select.
Once I have selected a soldier i get the blue box but it wont turn green to show a valid move.
First thing I thought was the other troops were blocking the movement but ive tried all the ones near the exit ramps with no success, soldier No.5 should have a clear move after moving No.8 but I cant move him for example.

I have uploaded the save below



User modifications / Question About .PK3 Files
« on: April 11, 2012, 09:19:24 pm »
Hi  :)

I am quite enjoying the game but with no disrespect the music is well, to be honest not really in tune with the setting the game portrays.

Saving from within the battlescape... not allowed. This is because saving after killing an alien and loading after losing a soldier is not in the spirit of the game. It takes the fear away: and you should be afraid.

The fear level is lost when im sitting there wondering if my little dudes are at a warehouse rave invaded by aliens  ;D

Anyway, ive found the post for 'can the music be customised' and ive copied and extracted the relevant .pk3 files (0ufos.pk3 and 0music.pk3) ive no problem with editing audio (I mix and do band demos) so was wondering what do you use to repack the file? I opened and extracted them with 7-Zip, but I realise that different programs (Winzip, Winrar etc) have different ways of packing things, I can only presume that one would pack the file with the relevant program and then rename the extension to .pk3, is this correct?



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