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Messages - IGL

Pages: [1]
Tactics / Re: UFO Yard not getting any!
« on: March 30, 2012, 12:06:03 pm »
If you want to deal with UFO vessels technology then you have to do the following:
- Build UFO Yeard outside your base, but close to it! (and wait until construction is completed)
- Go on a mission where UFO has landed (not shut down and crash landed, but just landed).
- After the mission collect the UFO (do NOT sell).
- Shortly after ufo is delivered to base you will have a new Research possibility,
--  First research "UFO Theory"
--  and then you can research UFO types, eg "UFO - Scout"

The essential thing is to collect whole (non-crashed) UFO. If you collect just some wrecks - better sell them (do not fill your UFO Yard slots with wreckages - it is waste of space).

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