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Messages - Ronar

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Impressions after playing the latest nightly
« on: January 26, 2012, 05:50:02 pm »
This is my first post, as I'm still new to the game. First, I just want to say I'm having a blast and thought I'd leave my impression as well.

I've been reading the posts on the forum and I've noticed a lot of comments about the pacing of the game. I agree, that it gets pretty hectic after a few months and I can see why a lot of people are frustrated (though I'm still enjoying them).

It seems the argument is the high volume of tactical missions slows down research/production and they cannot be skipped because of hit to nation happiness. Furthermore, auto-resolve does not always end favorably and gives no experience. This makes tactical missions seem more of a chore than fun.

Perhaps if the tactical maps were spiced up a bit, people would find them more attractive. I'm aware the game is still a work in progress (and a great one at that), but it may add excitement to have more randomness in the tactical missions. Random map layouts, random alien starting points, random loot, plot hints, etc. Perhaps a rescued civilian is a skilled worker and decides to join the cause. Maybe you find an alien relic that gives a new tech without having to research it.

Just a few thoughts to make the grind more enjoyable. Thanks for the great game!

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