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Messages - vlnikolic

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: realtime tactics
« on: January 03, 2012, 12:20:45 am »
hi again,

thank u very much 4 reply.

i have started the game 10 mins ago.

i like the similarity with xcom-ufo (defence)
the best game-idea with earth in front all the time
firstly normal weapons, and after ufo-tech-ones
... all the thingies in your lovely game

i do understand the prob of years - my birthday was 2 days ago (with very heavy number)
although the best tac'combat was apocalypse-1

cheerz to all

Discussion / realtime tactics
« on: January 02, 2012, 11:54:05 pm »
hi 2 all

thanx 2 developers 4 this game

i am a great fan of xcom series - i've played almost 20years...

i am downloading your game now - and i can not wait to ask:

is there a chance that you implement a real time tactical combat - as in apocalypse?

thanks and sorry 4 intrusion

Pages: [1]