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Messages - Thia Halmades

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: UFO:AI needs you. Yes, you.
« on: November 21, 2011, 04:13:26 am »
Good evening, y'all.

I'm Thia. You can find me on twitter (@thia_halmades) and of course on Google+ as David E McGuire. I'm a game designer, writer, and I wasted my early 20s playing X-COM: UFO Defense. I'm particularly keen on seeing the Android version of the game ramped up and polished, there are a lot of issues with it, even running on my ASUS tablet. I'm hoping to help point out where the errors are and even possibly learn some code along the way (I know none; game design? Yes! Code? No!)

So I'll be reading the boards and playing the game. Currently I can't even get into a fight on android with any functionality which really kills it. I did see that the original X-Com mapping is in place, which I loved (the 2x1 blocks were in place) but the menus were very kludgey, it was clearly set for a mouse interface, and not streamlined for a touch interface, which you need on the tablet devices. Also a lot of long, ugly pauses for loading.

I hope to be a meaningful contributor!

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