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Messages - Nowwi

Pages: [1]
Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Crash to Desktop
« on: October 14, 2011, 12:53:35 pm »
Thanks for your answer, but.........
I have download the three Update Files.Then i have updating......
Play....and the Error message comes.....
I begin a new game.....Error....

then i see that the Updatefile not overwrite same files ????? Skipped skipped skipped.
The base dir are updatet.The Ufo.exe Files not updatet.

Here my way to update....

at first i have updatet over the updatefiles 800MB then 470MB then 95MB....that will update the Base directory.
then i have install the 800MB file in a other directory.
All files copy from other directory (not the base dir) to game dir.
From other dir\base the game.dll to game dir.
at same with the 470 and at last with the 95MB file.

game run........great.....its run  :)

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Crash to Desktop
« on: October 10, 2011, 06:35:08 pm »
I have install Alien Invasion 2.4-Dev/A-32 Oct 9 2011 Debug.
My System is Windows XP (SP3)
Graphic card Nvidia 8800M GTX
Intel Core Extreme CPU X7800 2,6Ghz
4GB Ram
Directx 9.0c
I go in the tactic screen,play a min or two then the game crash to Desktop with follow

Assertion failed
Program D:\Programm\UfoAI-2.4-dev\ufo.exe
File src\client\renderer\r_state.c
Expression numLights<=max_GL_Lights

Whats wrong??
New Graphiccard driver?
New Directx?
Other settings in Video options?

Who can help me??

I have install the game on vista system.I change in the tactic screen.....0,5 sec (i see the tactic screen) ..... then return to the
global Map ??? What that??

The game 2.3.2 works under vista ....

The Ufoconsole and other files are from XP.


Pages: [1]