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Messages - Kami-Kaze

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Question about Patches and my current version
« on: September 25, 2011, 09:32:11 am »
Hrm. Actually, last night whilst playing, indeed, I finally found my first alien base (by this point, I was starting to wonder if there was supply ships but no bases). Went in, cleared it out with only 2 casualties (whole group is armed with coilguns so most battles aren't really problematic). And ... apparently that's game over!
From what i've seen on wiki, it looks like there's meant to be further plot-stuff already in-game (The Enemy On Earth, A New Twist, etc.) but I only ever could get as far as 'The Universal Serum'. Are these other researches and plot-stuffs in game already (and therefore I shouldn't touch any alien bases with a ten-foot pole so as to avoid game-end) or is that maybe only in latest version?

Discussion / Question about Patches and my current version
« on: September 24, 2011, 08:21:28 pm »
I have recently downloaded the latest stable release (2.3.1) but i'm noticing that, unless i'm wrong, other people posting about 2.3.1 seem to have features that are missing in my game (for example, other dropships. From what I can tell, some are ones that are meant to be available early on yet I never got anything like that).

Have I missed something here? Is there some other patch I should be installing to be fully up to date with 2.3?

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