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Messages - s9ilent

Pages: [1]
Tactics / Re: What's your loadouts?
« on: December 07, 2010, 01:12:17 pm »
Tbh, I've only used fletchets, once - and it was against an weakened taman at something like 5 paces aware.
(I can never seem to control what is reloaded with what :S I'm too lazy to manually reload, I just hit the auto reload and realize too late that I've got the wrong ordinance)

Lew yards tactic is very good for dealing with ortnooks. Hitting them with just about anything causes them to go berserk and charge you. This often leaves them out of cover (which is most exploitable at long range, but works at close range as well some times).
Generally speaking thou, I use goggles to get full intel, + indirect fire (nades) + superior positioning/tactics (ie. 2v1, 3v1 4v1 etc.) to kill ortnooks at close range. Typically the indirect fire weakens them and my lasers finish them off. (Lasers are not strong vs ortnooks, but they are my standardized weapon)

Also the fact that every one of my men is a medic, makes my generally invincible at long range (until they up tech... they are still using mostly plasma and little tachyon)

b.t.w.. Did an ortnook really survive that? as in literrally 1 tile away, tripple shot.. and you didn't kill him? I find that.. some what unlikely...

Tactics / Re: Storming harvester
« on: December 01, 2010, 11:08:41 pm »
I position my troops on the side of the wingtips (out of line of sight, so the aliens have to cross 2 corners to get LOS on my troops)
Position one troop outside at the side near the front, and use googles to look into the ship.

Once I have gathered enough strength, I usually run one GL up, snap shot, run back.
If I think it's clear, I run one assault, to FAR away, (behind cover if possible) with line of sight, to the side of the exit. And put him on overwatch. (possibly send a medic as well). This guys job is just to draw fire (and live... hopefully)

If there are aliens there, they will jump out and engage the guy at long range.
At which point I resume grenade launchers running out, snap shot, run back
After a while, you will reach a breakpoint, where you have enough troops (and they have too few) and you can just rush in from the wingtips (note, you WILL need close combats to do this, as you consume close to 20 TU's getting from the wings to the doors)

Tactics / Re: Need help with the map "Brücke" ("Bridge")
« on: December 01, 2010, 10:56:49 pm »
@ the orignal post

I use the position on the far right of your screen shot, but not the two on your left, they are way to far forward.

Instead, I occupy behind the building to the far left of your screen shot (the one just right of the water towers)

It has boxes you can take cover behind, and you can hide lots of troops behind there.
This however leaves the troops on the right somewhat exposed so you need to keep poping out to take a look. The troops on the far right will also need to use grenades a lot, as the aliens will mass on the other side of the wall.

Bug (in v2.3.0) Can't shoot past stunned actors

When you stun someone, they will create an invisible wall absorbing all fire (as if they where still alive and conscious) thou can you walk over them.

Tactics / Re: What's your loadouts?
« on: December 01, 2010, 10:44:50 pm »
I typically use the following loadout (Mostly because I'm too lazy to change between missions)

2 GL's
3 Assault's
2 Close Combats
1 Heavy

Everyone carries a medkit in their backup
My assaults carry, Assault rifles first, then lasers rifles and typically provide bases of fire. 2 spare clips in belt (7.62 pistol, 2 nades in holster) and the usual medkit, sort of my jack of all trades master of none. Thou given the lack of a sniper on my team, (and some what.. questionable results of a single heavy) they are often relegated to long range support as well.

My close used to carry shotgun + spare rounds + (Pistol + 2nades in holster) + 3 nades in backpack
Now they use a single laser pistol in hand + nade in hand, 2 clips in belt, 4 nades + knife in holster, 3 nades in backpack (and the usual medkit)
They form the basis of my reaction fire close range, long range medics, and indirect nade support (where a GL can not reach, e.g. over the mountain in the crashed harvester mission)
They nade in hand is the single coolest tactic ever, as often a single pistol/shotgun will not get you a kill. What explosives do however, is cause fear in the enemy, which when combined with the direct fire from the pistol and support from friendlies, will cause the enemy to route.

The heavy is basically a machinegine/similar upgraded version
Right now it has a heavy laser, (pistol + 2 nades in holster) medkit, 2 clips in belt + extra clip in backpack. Personally I find *limited* use for the heavy. I find it does supress enemies *slightly* better then my other guns, but never enough to make it a tactically viable weapon. (In greater numbers it might perform better, but I would loose too much versatility if I keep transfering assaults to heavies)

And my GL specialists. My "best" (highest ranked) soldiers with the most kills.
Given the AI's "tactics" (they use hit and run mostly) it usually means they are around the corner which makes them prime targets for a bit of indirect fire.
Grenadelauncher, 4 grenades launcher nades in belt, (usually 1 is fletchet, the rest are he/pb when available) (watching a triple shot fletchet is on of the most awesome things... ever Its like a super shotgun...)
pistol + 2 hand grenades in belt
3 more grenade launcher grenades in the backpack + the usual medkit

Standard tactics are as follows

For long range engagements.
My close combats, drop their nades and pick up a medkit
Grenade launchers are dedicated medics
Assaults and heavy provide most of the fire
Typically. I try to get 1 assault + medic, to stay at extreme range and provide overwatch, drawing fire from the enemy (and given the range, they are mostly safe from instant kills, and the constant medical aid allows for continuous watching)
Then the rest of the team is deployed closer up to score kills by hit and run. So my overwatch might spot an alient rushing, and then 3 guys pop out from behind a wall and pop the rusher.

In Close combat
Usually I have no dedicated medics (as the short range does not allows you to disengage) (thou if required, I tried to make the heavy do medic'ing as he is the least useful)
Stunning your own guys who are exposed and out of TU's is a great way to save them! (Careful not to choke your whole team thou.... "lost" 3 guys once from that...)
Close combats naturally lead the way. (Toggle reaction fire depending on the circumstance) with grenade launchers as seconds, usually using goggles when not firing. If assaults are present, they become the number twos, whilst GL's become threes (thou GL's still use their goggles, 1's and 2's never use goggles)
The heavy is usually never in short range combat, unless he is a dedicated medic/goggle'er

Med Combat
Hit and run + grenades. All direct fires provide fire superiority, whilst grenade launchers score the majority of the kills. (This requires superior numbers/positioning/choke points thou e.g. 6+ members overwatching the exit of a UFO harvester). If I can not get fire superiority, I will use hit and run/shoot and scoot, / indirect fire and less(/no) overwatch.
Usually no dedicated medics

I do not use snipers, and I have minimal reliance on direct fire heavies (I just hired him because he had an insanely high initial heavy proficiency)
I typically build a load out around the soldiers skills, not around my desired loadouts. (i.e. I find the best soldiers first, then give them their best weapons)
A side effect of my loadout however, is that the close combats have fairly high explosives as they throw lots of grenades. (I try really hard not to nade with my assault/heavies, as they tend to miss.. which hurts my guys quite a lot)

Some other funny tactics I do, is to hit an ortnook once (e.g. with a poorly place grenade), and run behind friendly troops/walls. It will get angry and in it's rage, will rush my well prepared team and die.

Feature Requests / Re: Partial Visibility
« on: November 02, 2010, 08:37:31 am »
@Lew Yard,
w.r.t AI, I see the following scenarios:

1.  The player see's partial contact. No AI required.

2. I don't know if civi's react to hostiles or friendlies but presumably they just run away from anything that is unknown. (or do they..)

3. Aliens see partial contacts. They are obviously seeing partial contacts of their own guys, so the partials are civilians/soldiers. In either case, they are treated as hostile.
-Now this third case is the only scenario where some AI is required. Generally, I think a partial contact should be treated in the same regards as a human soldier. This is the easiest to code and it makes logical sense. (And if you wanted something more complicated: I'm not too sure how the AI system currently works, but presumably there are some "macro" level settings (aggression?) and some if/case statements. Presumably the conditions use against partials should be somewhere between vs human soldiers, and civilians)

w.r.t How long to leave a contact partially visible for
If you can see them then their partially visible, until they are become more/fully visible, or they become invisible.
The idea is not to provide a "ghost" of where they where, but to provide information of where "something" is right now. There is no concept of merging, as you can not have 2 objects on the same tile. For simplicity the position should be 100% accurate, the idea is you can see "it", you just don't know what "it" is.

As to how you would actually display it. Perhaps either something iconic (e.g. yellow cylinder with a question mark??), or something ambiguous (black/camo humanoid with a question mark?)


Another reason for inclusion is that it provides a positive and a negative effect for using goggles. (+ partial sight distance, - fully visible distance if any)

Discussion / Crash / Hang during Base Defence Missions
« on: November 02, 2010, 08:20:29 am »
Hi everyone,

I seem to have a recuring problem in 2.3 where my system will just crash on base defense missions
It seems to always happen just after I make initial contact with the enemy.

Given that I have i7 64 bit processors, I find it a bit strange that it is able to entirely hang my system (Since going multi core, I've noticed that even if I hang one processor, I can still seem to alt tab to windows and end task the process, but for this crash I can not)

(I'm running win 7 64, and I've put a link to my dxdiag)

If it helps, I can send in a save game just before the mission.

Feature Requests / Partial Visibility
« on: November 01, 2010, 12:02:29 pm »
Just some idea to add to your proposal for partial visibility

How about 2 (or several) states of visibility

e.g. No visibility
Poor visibility - you can see "something" could be civilian friendly alien or animal.
Medium visibility - You can see the target, but might not be able to see full detail
Full visibility

And you can play around with different combinations of outcomes. e.g.
-Can see "what" they are (human, not human)
-Can see which direction they are facing (e.g. if they are not moving in the dark, they could be facing any direction)
-Can see what they are holding onto/wearing (Perhaps you just see "small weapon, big weapon sort of thing and not the exact type?)

Factors that could affect this include
-Moving makes it easier to see
-Goggles (Improve sight range, but cap these extra visibilities, e.g. You can see further with IR goggles, but you can't see what race or equipment they are holding)

Feature Requests / Re: Ideas
« on: January 21, 2008, 01:23:01 am »
If you rotate the camera to get a birds eye view, the tops of the doors are black (as opposed to a textured metal grey colour like the door).  And as for the colours, I was just suggesting that a little green/red dot light be placed on top of the doors to signal its open/closed status, such that you can tell when in birds eye view

Feature Requests / Ideas
« on: January 20, 2008, 02:03:15 pm »
Map Idea
- For the underground bunker map, texture the top of the walls (all the black doesn't look to good), and also consider texturing the TOP of the closed blast doors red, and the top of the open ones green (Like a little light, just to indicate to the player, its rather annoying how you have to keep rotating the camera every which way in such a confined map with so many corners

- New map idea's:
Strong hold defence (Preferably not at your base)
Bloodspider infestation
Alien bases/hives ? (or is this to come later?)

Spawn Idea
Choose where you want your troops to deploy within a given area, and which way they face (for balancing reasons, facing/deploying your troops should NOT reveal enemies to prevent abuse)

Grenades Idea
A third throw type with an even higher arc (to get through those small high windows with out having to run backwards )

Feature Requests / Bug Report: Laboratory space
« on: January 20, 2008, 01:56:48 pm »
I'm not to sure how this one occurs, but some time during game play (strategic level) your laboratory space will be used by a "phantom project"
That is, you have have 30/30 scientists (available/all), but you would have 9/30 (used/total) laboratory space

The only way to get rid of this bug (that I've found) is to complete all outstanding research projects that the base was ALREADY researching, then un-hire all the scientists, then destroy all the laboratories, then rebuild + rehire.

You can also produce a bug message (Assertion error) by doing the following
Suppose this problem is occurring at Base1. If you go to another base (Base2) and then set its research projects to 0 scientists.
{Minor bug here, even with 0 scientists it will say its still being researched, I think this is where the laboratory space goes to}
Any way, with its 0 scientists left, it still says its researching so you press the stop research button, then you try assigning more scientists from Base2, to the now un-researched projects (previously from Base1), and this produces the assertion error.
Althought I believe that fixing the initial problem would probably remove the cirumstances for this second issue all together

Feature Requests / Complain/Bug: Overwatch
« on: January 20, 2008, 01:48:14 pm »
This is a slight bug (Not a crash to desktop bug), the selected fire mode for overwatch doesn't save correctly across separate battles.

I.e At the end of one battle you might have a basic Assault Rifle on Full auto, in the next battle, if the same trooper still has an assault rifle, its initial overwatch has Full auto tick'ed, but it is in-fact still set on the universal default, snap shot.
Further more, ticking an already ticked box doesn't do anything, so to set the overwatch fire mode to Full auto again, you have to tick something else, and then tick full auto again.

Feature Requests / Bug Report: Production (Equipment) v2.2
« on: January 20, 2008, 01:36:13 pm »
When you first open the production screen, it defaults to the last produced item. An error message occurs if you do the following (And crashes to desktop)

1. Select an item to produce in one base. (Hence for known as ItemA)
2. Switch to a second base
3. Open up the production screen
4. ItemA will show as the initially selected item to be produced
5. Increase production by 1/10

Only happens some times, (Typically when ItemA isn't in the primary list, but that might just be conincidence, oh and I'm running an english-language pc)

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Assertion failed!

Program: C:\Program Files\UFOAI-2.2\ufo.exe
File C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\mattn...\cl_produce.c
Line: 1124

Expression: selectedIndex >= 0 && selectedIndex < queue->numItems

For information on how your program can cause an assertion
failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts

(Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)

Abort  Retry   Ignore
End quote

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