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Messages - Rost

Pages: [1]
Translating / Re: Searching translators
« on: January 16, 2008, 01:42:47 pm »
"intro_sentence1" is not commentized on my computer, but I use the revision with the source.

I downloaded and uncompressed the file "ufoai-2.2-source.tar.bz2". Is this the same version you use?
Is "intro_sentence1" commented on your system after running "make update-po"?

make update-po search inside *.c code files AND inside *.ufo files for any msigs appearing in game. Therefore, if you don't have the source files, every msgids coming from those *.c files will be removed (you'll have only texts coming from *.ufo files).

I did not find any *.ufo files within the source package. Where are they?!?

Translating / Re: Searching translators
« on: January 15, 2008, 10:40:06 pm »
the de.po file shouldn't be 10% of its size after using "make update-po".

On my system "make update-po" still comments out very many msgids, e.g. "intro_sentence1". Could you double-check if this happens on your system too? Now I also know why the file size was so small: I edited it with KBabel which removed all commented lines in de.po.

For info: you don't need to use ./ This script is made to copy the texts that has been translated in the wiki ( to the .po files. I think you just wanted to update the .po file with any new needed translations, so you just need to use "make update-po" (when it works), and then to edit the file with poedit.

The quality of the German translation in the 2.2 release was so low that it hurt sometimes. In the last days I fixed many German translation errors in the Wiki. I just want to have them right now in the game. I do not feel like waiting until the next release. ;-)

And then I noticed that there were many untranslated strings, therefore I run "make update-po", and then all the trouble begun...

Translating / Re: Searching translators
« on: January 15, 2008, 10:12:27 am »
are you talking about 2.2. branch or trunk? in general make update-po is the way to go - this will fill the po file with translateable strings from the source code and the script files

I was talking about the 2.2 release.
Could also you try "make update-po; ./ de" with the 2.2 release? Does it work on your system? I was testing on Debian testing and Ubuntu 7.10 and in both cases the updated_de.po file did no longer contain the msgids from the wiki, e.g. "intro_sentence1" (it was still there but commented!?!?).

Translating / Updating po files?
« on: January 14, 2008, 03:16:25 pm »
Hi all,

I just wanted to update the German translation. I noticed that several msgids are missing in de.po, e.g.
msgid "Construction time:\t%i day\n"
I called "make update-po" just like I was used to from all the other projects. After this command finished, de.po was only 10% of its original size. I thought I just have to call "./ de" to fill it up again but this did not work...

How is the standard way for updating the po files? Unfortunately, the Wiki was not very helpful here...

Pages: [1]