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Messages - Geiss

Pages: [1]
FAQ / Re: how do i catch aliens?
« on: November 21, 2007, 10:51:29 pm »
I for one would be grateful for methods other than using a stun rod. I can remember the first time I tried to use one in the original xcom -It was my first mission against the snakemen, lol. I switched to the stun grenade launcher afterwards and never looked back.

I think ranged stun weapons are more practical. Aside from the stun baton or giving the grenade launcher stun grenades, non-lethal bullets used in riot control would be a good inspiration. The effectiveness of them against armored targets might drop a bit but you could also go for piercing dart guns.

FAQ / First impressions and some questions
« on: November 02, 2007, 10:53:02 pm »
Hey everybody.

I'm new to UFO:AI but I've been really enjoying this game. I decided to post some of my first time observations for the benefit of the programmers. Some of it probably appears on the TODO list but these were the things that stuck out to me.

There are a few missions that have UFOs sitting on the map. If you kill all the crew, why can't you recover their perfectly intact spacecraft afterwards? Was reading in the wiki and noticed that crash site recovery wasn't implemented yet but I'm hoping you can recover UFOs that show up on the map if you eliminate the crew though since that would seem more realistic.

Intercepter implementation is still on the todo list but right now its possible for an Interceptor to land on Anti Terror missions. I accidently sent my Stilleto Interceptor to one without knowing it and when I hit accept mission I had one guy (the pilot) and the aircraft sitting there was the normal 8 man plane instead of the interceptor. I thought it was funny but I don't think that was what you guys intended to have happen.

The pool of peopel to hire doesn't seem to ever change though the wiki says it should. I also wasn't able to hire anyone for my other bases since I had hired everyone already at my main base. Anyhow, I really like this game and what you guys have managed to accomplish with it.


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