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Messages - MunkeyMission

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: "New" Weapon stats (2.2 - 2.3)
« on: October 18, 2007, 07:52:57 pm »
Excuse me lads maybe Popi hasnt seen one of these:

From one of these:

  :o  Click Click BOOM!  :o

Discussion / Re: Wow great game.!!
« on: October 18, 2007, 07:42:05 pm »
Its version 2.1.1 and it wasnt lasers it was alien plasma pistol (or one of them) and I had no research of them so probably couldnt touch it.
Ive been giving it a good play beyond the time of the crash but havent been back to Bristol yet and have changed to 'normal mode' (losing one whole ships crew last night). I am just getting to the difficult stages.
The crash may have been the computer having been left on for a night or two (maybe the night before). The biggest problem is all these aliens running around killing the soldiers!
The game must have been a huge project and only one expense spared.
Mine is just installed directly to windows not left overnight for the maps (as Im sure I read in the forum) It downloaded for me in about 30 minutes. I am told I get 3.6 mega bits a second but we all know thats mythica. I did get up to 150k and more and thats the fastest I've been getting out of it.
I have noticed two glitches. 1) the icon for the website in my start menu shows a picture of an application window where the rest are ufo icons and 2) one soldiers health over stretched his limits on the soldier selection menu. (he wasnt a superhuman and got lost anyway)
I was reading the Freegamer review and must agree 'the best free game around' and add one of the best games around.
As for their opinion on reducing the inventory controls I thought it was fairly standard procedure for defending the Earth. I only have to reuse it for small adjustments or soldiers lost anyway. Yeah I think its a feature. I would even add a selection menu for adding weapons to the ships inventory to stop it filling with one weapon but control over the spending solves that.
Well pleased with it.

Discussion / Re: Wow great game.!!
« on: October 17, 2007, 04:31:06 am »
I did have a trouble at first picking up the alien lasers from the 'floor' box on the combat inventory selection but when the plane got home it brought the laser with it. I was able to pick up the ammo for it which must have been sensible in case any lurking nasties were out of it. I havent gone through a whole medikit yet but I'll have a good go at that later.
:P  I cant get over this marquee box!!  :o

Discussion / Re: Wow great game.!!
« on: October 17, 2007, 04:21:50 am »
I did crash after a few hours and havent retested it yet but it did work for hours. It said something about c+ and refer to your documantation in a retry ignore cancel box which was 'always on top' of the mouse pointer so I tried tab buttons and pressed ignore which caused a crash but only of the game itself. Maybe I was running 800x600 before starting which the game was running 1000+ but I have a good graphics card so I'll up it to 1200 and have another go saving my progress and post any result. I'll note the error message if it repeats. It occured as the invasion of Bristol, England was loading (about the eighth or tenth).
Once again well pleased with it and back to it. Many thanks.  :D ;):D

Discussion / Wow great game.!!
« on: October 17, 2007, 04:08:23 am »
  ;D  And look at these buttons on the message box!!  ;D Thats a great game.
So, here is one happy free customer. I thought it was half past ten and its a quarter to three. So much for the important stuff of the day and on with the important stuff of the day.
It's great. Most space games of the last few years lack a lot unless theyre inspired by Duke and Doom. There were lots of diamond platform on the old tv home computers but I havent seen a good one to suit the all powerful pc (Snake Eater wasnt very good what was it Rainbow or something?).
This one is. Thumbs up. Radar on.
Good forum.
I would suggest the improvements but I dont have one.

;D  Much gratis. ;D

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