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Messages - yperiard

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Not enough fuel for mission
« on: August 21, 2007, 05:01:36 am »
Ok, I did some more investigation

It turns out that the ship air speed value was at 1
fuel : 160000
so from memory

distance <= aircraft_stats[AIR_SPEED] * fuel / 3600f

was not enough for going anywhere. The problem is I have no idea how I got in that state. I played with adding fuel tanks, weapons, armor to the ship it does not go below 6 (I am starting a game)

Hopes this helps.

As for helping out, it would be nice to have a project overview, so I could setup my project using kdevelop. I am a newb in kdevelop, so if anyone could help I would be glad. Then I don't see why not.


Feature Requests / Not enough fuel for mission
« on: August 19, 2007, 10:55:25 pm »
Started using the latest from svn and some missions are not possible to get to, because "ship does not have enough to get to mission and back"

These missions are really close to home base and ship is fully refueled. And some missions were farther and I could get there.

North Africa --> Berlin (Not enough fuel)

North Africa --> Antartica (did mission)

Then after a while a new antartica mission came up, and the not enough fuel problem told me I couldn't do it, from the same base.

Is there a way to see the needed amount of fuel needed to get to a mission. (I can modify C code and recompile without any problem, I just need to know where to look) or maybe just add more debug info.

If am i able to see the amount needed it could help determine if there is a real problem.

btw, thanks the game is getting really good.

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