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Messages - Tobias2nd

Pages: [1]
Tactics / Re: Where/why/how many bases do you build?
« on: July 10, 2011, 06:26:08 pm »
So far i've been through about 6 months of the game on standard difficulty and so far i haven't really needed more than 3 bases. Mostly i just put up radar towers to detect the UFO's on the outskirts of each continent and in the middle of the smaller continents. This is my first play through of this game specifically but i loved xcom. Played it through most of my childhood. On X-com West asia always seemed like a good place to put your first base, as the most land mass surrounds it, but then again there was always the issue of keeping the US happy because they paid the highest. On UFO: AI in particular, the radar towers were all i needed to monitor more than a third of the planet, most of which your interceptor's can easily get to before they need to turn back for fuel. No matter which country you start in, though, you should always sell your first few UFO's to the countries you cannot yet cover to keep them happy. It'll be a while before you can or should research those anyway.

country happiness = funding = player happiness.

Glad to see that at least someone is out to innovate and create rather than to make money on their video games. It's a great premise and i'm extremely glad to see this new xcom-like game.

I will try to provide useful feedback so that you guys can do what you do best better. ;) Keep up the good work.

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