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Messages - stehertz

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Soldiers hiding on the dropship?
« on: July 01, 2011, 06:41:06 am »
Hey you guys. I ran into the same problem and it is not so rare It always happens a couple of battles into the campaign and makes the campaign unplayable. Since you can not win the battle win one soldier, your only choice is to abort and one will loose all 8 soldiers which could be all your veterans which off course is a big setback.

It seems to happen on the map called [city +]. That is the one with the big multi level blue parking house. The drop ship always parks next to the railways and there seems not to be enough space to unload the rest of the soldiers onto the map so they have to stay in the ship. They can be selected but not walk. Maybe there is no path available from the inside of the ship to the outside.

So this seems to be a map related but but there is also a weakness how the battles are managed. Right now there is only a RETRY and ABORT option. Maybe one should be able to RETREAT from a battle as well in order to save the soldiers ( or maybe have some random losses, somebody has to cover the retreat but not the whole team.

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