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Messages - paladin1128

Pages: [1]
Windows / Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« on: April 29, 2011, 04:45:02 am »
Yes, on our wiki site, start at Getting the source article.

Note, that we're using Git now, not SVN.


I tried and got into the git bash thing but then it said that -t was an unknown command. As I don't want to mess up my computer and I felt way over my head trying to implement those directions I may have to give this a pass. It looks great, but I am just not enough of a computer whiz to do that stuff. Thanks for the help though.

Windows / Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« on: April 28, 2011, 10:55:44 pm »
Are there instructions anywhere on how to compile the files manually?  I have no idea how to use SVN files. 

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