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Messages - ZombieTickler

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: 50 Hours of Game Design Notes
« on: April 22, 2011, 05:29:14 am »

Artwork / Re: Alien bestiary
« on: April 22, 2011, 05:26:41 am »
Just googled XVI and feel a little less ignorant now. I read the entire thread earlier, but unlike the breeder the puppeteer is an unknown threat till it closes in. Goes with the concept of civilian management as if those jerks don't already get in the way enough. Less about multiplying, more about camouflage. 

Discussion / Re: 50 Hours of Game Design Notes
« on: April 22, 2011, 12:36:36 am »
Plenty of good suggestion points Samuel and I hope they consider them.

If UFO:AI could improve over the XCOM games in regards to battle screen scrolling you would get heavey praise from me. Lets face it, when ever we play games like this its usually for 2+ hours if we can manage it. In that time your mouse hand can get pretty tired and even out right sore. Less clicking would be phenominal. If we could have some way of scrolling the battle screen with keys as oppsed to having to drag the mouse it would make the entire game less torture on my hand. I'm a massage therapist so I'm prone to carpal tunnel in my profession. I tend to find myself off for 2-3 days hoping to give my hands a break, but you guys had to go and make an amazing game inspired by another amazing game I still enjoy playing. (Thanks by the way)

FAQ / Re: Sniper rifle as accurate as a slingshot!
« on: April 22, 2011, 12:06:56 am »
::looks left::
::looks right::

Have you ever heard the concept of unanswered prayers?

Seriously though...Sniper Rif's acc is a joke compared to a laser rifle. Better to get into medium range with a assault rifle to full auto or 3 burst fire.

Artwork / Re: Alien bestiary
« on: April 21, 2011, 09:55:52 pm »
Concept: An enemy that registers as a civvy until close proximity. (I don't write code so not sure if that would work out). This unit could be mechanical and constructed by billions of nanobites that can stretch, compress, and change texture/color. Alternatively it could be a biological unit with the same capabilities as stated before or even a parasite that drives the host(and possibly spread to others???). Plenty of scifi/fantasy inspiration out there for this type of unit.

WARNING-TERROR WEAPON I remember a movie called something like "Puppet Masters"(alien parasite controlling host concept). Military was finally made aware of the alien invasion and set up blockcades with orders to shoot on site to contain the aliens....well about 50-100 kids ranging from ages 4-10 start walking towards one of the blockcades and it is lost due to the hesitation. Whats scarier then having all those civilians be the death of your entire team for lending a helping hand?

Details: Like I stated before, not to sure if you could have them appear as civvies until close enough distance with the coding. No range weapons, only melee. Think Terminator 2 for a morhpic mechanical weapon or if its organic the parasite could of caused a mutation in the host for claws or retractable spikes. If regular civilian AI was written so they would actively flee towards Phalanx agents for safety/cover it would make this unit deadly and would make the player have to think about how they should handle civilians(Stunning them for there own safety, taking the penalties to just kill them outright, or possibly losing a team mate or more.

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